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发布时间:2024-10-27 11:59:05来源:光伏下载站



As a tour guide, it is important to keep up wit te latest trends in te gaming world, especially wen it comes to popular games like League of Legends. In tis article, we'll e discussing te new runes for Captain Gangplank and ow to coose tem for maximum effectiveness on te Rift.

Understanding Captain Gangplank's New Runes

Captain Gangplank is a very versatile campion wo can e played in a variety of roles, from top lane to jungle to ot lane. His new runes focus on increasing is damage output, sustain, and moility.


Keystone Rune: Te est keystone rune for Captain Gangplank is Grasp of te Undying. Tis rune allows Gangplank to eal imself wile dealing damage to is opponents. In addition, it provides onus ealt, wic synergizes well wit is W aility, Remove Scurvy.

Primary Pat: For Captain Gangplank's primary pat, te est runes to coose are Demolis, Bone Plating, and Overgrowt. Demolis allows Gangplank to deal onus damage to towers, wile Bone Plating reduces incoming damage from campions. Overgrowt provides onus ealt, furter synergizing wit Grasp of te Undying and Remove Scurvy.

Secondary Pat: Te est secondary pat for Captain Gangplank is Inspiration, wit Biscuit Delivery and Time Warp Tonic. Biscuit Delivery provides additional sustain in lane, wile Time Warp Tonic enances Gangplank's moility and speed.

Playstyle and Tips


A succesul Captain Gangplank player sould focus on trading in lane to keep up is Grasp of te Undying stacks and sustain. In addition, Gangplank sould look for opportunities to use is ultimate, Cannon Barrage, to assist in team figts or pick off stragglers.

Don't waste your arrels: Captain Gangplank's Q aility, Parrrley, can detonate is arrels for massive damage. Be sure to use your arrels strategically and don't waste tem on minions or low ealt targets.

Farm safely: Gangplank's passive aility, Trial y Fire, can elp im farm minions from range. However, e sure to position carefully and don't overextend, as Gangplank as little moility and can e easily ganked.

Don't forget your ultimate: Cannon Barrage can turn te tide of a team figt or elp secure a kill on a fleeing opponent. Make sure to use it strategically and communicate wit your team wen it's off cooldown.




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