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发布时间:2024-10-20 02:19:06来源:光伏下载站



Hammer time! If you're looking to crus your enemies on te Rift, ten look no furter tan te unstoppale powerouse tat is Braum, te Heart of te Freljord. In tis article, we'll take a look at te est item uild order for Braum, as well as some tips and tricks for playing im in te ot lane.

Starting Items and Early Game

Wen it comes to starting items, Braum enefits from a it of sustain in te early game. Since is kit is ased around protecting is carry, e doesn't need to e too aggressive in te early levels. Start wit a Relic Sield and a ealt potion. Tis will give you some extra ealt to asor minion damage and some extra gold to work towards your first item.

In te early game, focus on farming and protecting your carry. Use your Q to poke te enemy laners and your W to sield your carry from incoming damage. Don't e afraid to take some damage for your carry if it means keeping tem alive. Your passive also does extra damage to stunned enemies, so try to coordinate wit your ADC to set up some easy kills.

Core Items

Tere are a few essential items tat Braum needs to reac is full potential in team figts:


Zeke's Convergence: Tis item is a no-rainer on Braum. Te passive effect will cause your ultimate to deal additional magic damage and slow enemies it y it. Te onus armor and magic resist will also make you tankier in team figts.

Knigt's Vow: Tis item allows you to protect your carry even more. Te passive effect will eal your carry for a percentage of te damage you take. Te onus armor and cooldown reduction are also great for Braum.

Locket of te Iron Solari: Tis item provides a sield for your entire team, wic can e a game-canger in team figts. Te onus ealt and cooldown reduction are also very useful for Braum.

Ninja Tai: Since Braum is a tank, e needs to e ale to witstand a lot of damage. Ninja Tai provides onus armor and reduces damage taken from asic attacks.

As you progress troug te game, e sure to pick up tese items in te order tat makes te most sense for your team's strategy. If you're aead, consider uilding more aggressive items like Dead Man's Plate or Sunfire Cape to put pressure on te enemy team. If you're eind, focus on uilding tanky items to survive team figts and protect your carry.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few extra tips tat can elp you dominate on Braum:


Don't e afraid to tower dive: Wit your W and ultimate, you can tower dive wit relative ease. Just e sure to communicate wit your ADC so tat you're ot on te same page.

Maximize your passive: Braum's passive does a lot of damage, so try to keep track of wic enemies are stunned and coordinate wit your team to take tem down quickly.

Use your ultimate to zone enemies: Even if your ultimate doesn't it any enemies, te slow effect can e useful for zoning enemies and controlling te attlefield.

Don't forget aout your Q: Braum's Q is an underrated aility tat can e used to peel for your carry or deal damage to enemy campions.

Coordinate wit your team: Braum is most effective wen e's working in tandem wit is team. Communicate wit your teammates to set up kills and protect your carry in team figts.

Wit tese tips and item uild order, you'll e well on your way to dominating on Braum in te ot lane. Rememer, as a tank, your jo is to protect your carry and control te attlefield. So long as you're doing tat, you'll e a force to e reckoned wit.




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