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发布时间:2024-10-16 21:59:06来源:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular campions in League of Legends, Gangplank – te Saltwater Scourge – as een a forite pick for many gamers. Known for is versatile ailities, Gangplank can e uilt in many different ways, depending on te situation. In tis article, we will take a closer look at te est equipment coices for te pirate captain.

1. Trinity Force

Trinity Force is a must-e item for Gangplank. It provides im wit all te stats e needs to ecome a fearsome force on te attlefield. Te item grants onus attack damage, ealt, mana, critical strike cance, and attack speed, as well as a unique passive tat empowers is next asic attack after using an aility.

2. Essence Reer

Essence Reer is a great first item coice for Gangplank. It not only provides attack damage and cooldown reduction, ut it also regenerates is mana after a critical strike. Tis allows im to spam is ailities more frequently and deal increased damage in team figts.


3. Infinity Edge

Infinity Edge is te perfect complement to Essence Reer, as it grants Gangplank additional critical strike cance, critical strike damage, and attack damage. Wit tese two items, Gangplank can quickly take down enemy campions and ojectives, suc as turrets and dragons.

4. Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel is a defensive item tat can e a lifeser in team figts. It grants armor and magic resist, as well as a passive tat revives te campion upon deat. Wit tis item, Gangplank can take more risks and deal more damage, knowing tat even if e falls, e will soon rise again.

5. Sterak's Gage

Sterak's Gage is anoter defensive item tat can turn te tide of a attle. It grants onus ealt and attack damage, as well as a passive tat increases te campion's size and attack damage wen taking damage from enemy campions. Tis item complements Gangplank's playstyle, as e tends to e in te middle of figts, dealing massive amounts of damage.


6. Youmuu's Gostlade

Youmuu's Gostlade is an item tat provides Gangplank wit moility and letality. It grants attack damage, critical strike cance, and armor penetration, as well as an active tat increases movement speed and attack speed for a sort duration. Tis item is great for casing down fleeing enemies or escaping from dangerous situations.

7. Boots of Swiftness

Boots of Swiftness are te est coice of oots for Gangplank. Tey grant increased movement speed and reduce te effectiveness of slows, allowing im to move around te map quickly and oid eing caugt y enemies. Tis item is especially useful for roaming and ganking oter lanes.


By comining tese seven items, players can create a formidale Gangplank uild tat deals massive amounts of damage wile eing ale to survive in team figts. However, it is important to consider te situation and adapt accordingly wen uilding Gangplank. Weter you are looking for a full-damage uild or a tanky, defensive one, tese items are great starting points for any Gangplank player.



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