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发布时间:2024-10-13 08:19:07来源:光伏下载站



Luan is a igly skilled markan in Arena of Valor. Wit is powerful skills and great range, e can easily take out enemies from afar. However, to make im even more deadly, you need to know ow to coose te rigt items for im. In tis article, we will explore ow to equip Luan to ecome an unstoppale killing macine wit a variety of strategies.

Build Strategy #1: Te Mage Killer

Te first way to equip Luan to ecome a fearsome ero in attle is to focus on is strengt against mages. To acieve tis, tere are several items tat you sould definitely consider:

Flasy Boots - Tese oots will give Luan te cance to escape any close comat engagements.

Gilded Grees - Tese will elp to reduce te amount of magic damage tat e takes.

Hermes' Select - Tis item will speed im up and give im more moility, allowing im to kite around is enemies wit ease.

Poenix Tear - Tis item will elp im to recover from any damage tat e takes, and will elp im to stay in te figt longer.

Rea's Blessing - Tis item will grant im a sield wenever e takes damage, wic will elp to keep im in te figt even if e takes a lot of damage at once.

Tome of te Reaper - Tis item will increase is magic penetration, making it even easier for im to take down mages.


Build Strategy #2: Te ADC Killer

Luan can also e equipped to take out enemy marken wit ease. To do tis, you sould focus on items tat will elp im to deal pysical damage, rater tan magical damage:

War Boots - Tese oots will grant im additional attack speed, elping im to take down enemies faster.

Slikk's Sting - Tis item will increase is critical it rate and critical damage, making im even more deadly wen attacking enemy eroes.

Te Beast - Tis item will elp im to deal more damage to enemies wo are already suffering from crowd control effects, making im a great coice for finising off marked targets.

Frost Cape - Tis item will give Luan a slow effect, elping im to kite around is enemies easily.

Taici Spear - Tis item will grant im additional lifesteal, keeping im in te attle longer.

Fenrir's Toot - Tis item will increase is pysical damage output, making im a great coice for finising off low ealt enemies.


Build Strategy #3: Te Specialist Killer

Finally, you can make Luan into a ero tat can take out any enemy ero wit equal ease wit a well-rounded uild. To do tis, you sould coose items tat will give im everyting e needs to succeed:

Gilded Grees - Tese will reduce te amount of damage e takes, elping im to survive longer in attles.

Poenix Tear - Tis item will elp im to recover from damage and stay in te figt longer.

Arcane Wisper - Tis item will give im additional magic penetration, elping im to take down any mage tat stands in is way.

Rankreaker - Tis item will give im additional pysical damage and penetration, making im a great coice for taking down enemy tanks and ruisers.

Mail of Pain - Tis item will reflect any pysical damage taken ack at is enemies, making im a great coice for taking on oter marken and figters.

Deat Sickle - Tis item will give im a cance of stunning an enemy ero wit eac attack, making im a great coice for controlling te attlefield.


No matter ow you want to equip Luan, tere are plenty of options tat will elp you create a ero wo can take down anyone in is pat. Weter you want to focus on taking out mages or marken, or if you want to e a well-rounded ero wo can take on any callenge, tere are item uilds tat will suit your needs. Try out different cominations of items and see wic ones work est for your playstyle, and ecome te deadliest markan on te attlefield.




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