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发布时间:2024-10-13 04:19:07来源:光伏下载站



Monkey King is one of te most popular campions in League of Legends. Tis campion is est suited for playing in te jungle, wit is ig moility, crowd control, and urst damage. In tis article, we will e discussing recommended items for Monkey King jungle, covering ot offensive and defensive options.

Offensive Items

1. Trinity Force – Tis item provides a great comination of damage, attack speed, and utility, making it a perfect coice for Monkey King. It also gives te campion an extra urst of movement speed after using an aility, wic is useful for catcing up to fleeing enemies or escaping from dangerous situations.

2. Dusklade of Draktarr – Tis item provides Monkey King wit additional damage and armor penetration, perfect for taking down squisy enemy campions. It also grants invisiility and onus damage on te next attack after killing an enemy, wic can e especially useful for ganking or taking down ojectives.


3. Stormrazor – Tis item provides Monkey King wit a significant amount of attack damage and critical strike cance. It also grants an enanced auto-attack after not attacking for a sort period, useful for ursting down enemies or taking down ojectives.

Defensive Items

4. Dead Man's Plate – Tis item provides Monkey King wit increased ealt, movement speed, and armor. It also grants an additional urst of movement speed after reacing full momentum, wic is useful for casing or fleeing from enemies.


5. Randuin's Omen – Tis item provides Monkey King wit ealt, armor, and critical strike damage reduction. It also as an active aility tat can slow te movement speed and attack speed of neary enemy campions, useful for preventing tem from escaping or reducing teir damage output.

6. Guardian Angel – Tis item provides Monkey King wit ot armor and magic resistance, as well as a revival effect tat can prevent im from dying in team figts. Tis item can e especially useful wen playing against ig urst damage enemy campions.


As a trel guide for League of Legends players, we ope tis article as elped you to etter understand te recommended items for Monkey King jungle. By coosing te rigt items, players can maximize Monkey King's potential in te game and lead teir team to victory. Weter you prefer offensive or defensive items, tere are plenty of options ailale to suit your playing style and strategy.



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