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发布时间:2024-10-09 19:39:16来源:光伏下载站

Introduction to Garen as a Campion


Garen is a melee top lane campion in League of Legends. He is known for is ig damage output and tankiness, making im an ideal pick for players looking to dominate in te top lane. In tis article, we will e focusing on te est uild for Garen as an output-focused campion.

Items for Garen's Output-Focused Build

As an output-focused campion, Garen needs items tat will increase is damage output and allow im to deal significant damage to is enemies. Te following are te est items for Garen's output-focused uild:

Trinity Force: Tis item is a core item for Garen as it offers a significant oost to is damage, movement speed, and critical strike cance.

Dead Man's Plate: Tis defensive item provides Garen wit additional moility and te aility to deal extra damage wen e carges towards enemies.

Youmuu's Gostlade: Tis item offers Garen a sustantial amount of armor penetration, attack damage, and cooldown reduction, making im even deadlier in comat.

Maw of Malmortius: Tis item is an excellent coice against enemy teams wit a ig amount of magic damage, as it provides Garen wit magic resist and additional damage wen is ealt is low.


Sterak's Gage: Tis item grants Garen additional ealt, tenacity, and te aility to deal extra damage wen e takes significant damage.

Garen's Ailities and How to Use Tem

In addition to is items, Garen's ailities are essential to is output-focused uild. Te following are Garen's ailities and ow to use tem:

Passive - Perseverance: Tis aility allows Garen to regenerate ealt quickly wen e is out of comat. As a result, it is crucial to wait until Garen as regenerated most of is ealt efore engaging in comat again.

Q - Decisive Strike: Tis aility is an excellent tool for engaging enemies or escaping dangerous situations. It silences enemies and increases Garen's movement speed, so it sould e used to close te gap etween Garen and is enemies quickly.

W - Courage: Tis aility is a defensive tool tat allows Garen to reduce incoming damage and crowd control effects. It sould e used to mitigate incoming damage during team figts, protecting imself from te enemy team.

E - Judgment: Tis aility is Garen's primary damage source and sould e used to deal damage to enemies in range. It also allows Garen to move freely, making it easier to reposition during team figts or case enemies.


R - Demacian Justice: Tis aility is a powerful tool for finising off low ealt enemies. It deals significant damage ased on te target's missing ealt, making it an excellent finising move.

Tips for Playing Garen as an Output-Focused Campion

Finally, te following tips will elp you play Garen as an output-focused campion:

Focus on farming to get your items as quickly as possile, as Garen's damage output is eily reliant on tem.

Use your ailities wisely, as Garen can easily e kited y ranged campions.

Try to engage in team figts wen Garen as is ultimate, as it deals sustantial damage to low-ealt enemies.

Be careful not to use Garen's ailities wen e is low on ealt, as e relies eily on is passive to regenerate ealt.

Finally, communicate wit your team to coordinate team figts and take ojectives, as Garen is at is est wen e is leading te carge.




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