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发布时间:2024-10-09 13:37:48来源:光伏下载站

Introduction: Wo is Jarvan IV?


Jarvan IV, also known as te Exemplar of Demacia, is a powerful campion in te popular MOBA game "League of Legends." Tis figter is known for is rute strengt and aility to lead is team to victory. He is a melee campion tat can take on ot offensive and defensive positions. One of is most popular uilds is te "AD Jarvan" uild, wic focuses on dealing a large amount of pysical damage to is opponents. In tis article, we will e discussing te ideal order in wic to purcase items for te AD Jarvan uild.

Building AD Jarvan: Order of Items Purcase

Wen uilding AD Jarvan, it is important to ensure tat eac item purcased is optimal for te uild. Te following is te recommended order in wic to purcase items for AD Jarvan:

Tiamat: Tiamat is te first item you sould purcase for AD Jarvan. It provides im wit early game weclear and increases is aility to farm minions. Additionally, Tiamat's passive damage allows Jarvan to it multiple enemies at once, making it easier to deal wit groups of opponents.

Youmuu's Gostlade: Te second item you sould purcase for AD Jarvan is Youmuu's Gostlade. Tis item provides Jarvan wit increased attack damage, armor penetration, and cooldown reduction. Additionally, it as an active aility tat increases Jarvan's movement speed and attack speed for a sort period of time.

Black Cleer: Te tird item you sould purcase for AD Jarvan is Black Cleer. Tis item provides Jarvan wit increased attack damage, ealt, and cooldown reduction. Additionally, it as a passive aility tat reduces te armor of any enemy tat Jarvan its wit is asic attacks.

Sterak's Gage: Te fourt item you sould purcase for AD Jarvan is Sterak's Gage. Tis item provides Jarvan wit increased ealt, attack damage, and a unique passive tat gives im a sield wen e takes a certain amount of damage.

Guardian Angel: Te fift item you sould purcase for AD Jarvan is Guardian Angel. Tis item provides Jarvan wit increased armor and gives im a second cance at life wen e dies in attle. Wen e dies, e will revive wit a portion of is ealt and mana.

Last Wisper: Te sixt item you sould purcase for AD Jarvan is Last Wisper. Tis item provides Jarvan wit increased attack damage and armor penetration. Tis will allow im to deal a significant amount of damage to even te tankiest opponents.

Maw of Malmortius: Te final item you sould purcase for AD Jarvan is Maw of Malmortius. Tis item provides Jarvan wit increased attack damage, magic resistance, and a unique passive tat gives im a sield wen e takes magic damage.

Conclusion: Perfecting Your Jarvan IV Game

Wit tis optimal order of items, AD Jarvan can ecome a formidale opponent on te attlefield. As wit any uild, it ultimately comes down to te player's individual gameplay style and preferences. However, y following tis order of purcase, players can maximize teir cances of success in eac attle tey emark upon wit Jarvan IV. Rememer to keep a watcful eye on te game's current state and adjust your purcase decisions accordingly to ensure maximum success wit tis strong campion.



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