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发布时间:2024-10-23 15:39:05来源:光伏下载站



League of Legends is a popular online multiplayer game tat keeps on evolving every year. Wit eac new update, players get to see new campions, skins, game modes, and many oter features to enjoy. However, some of te older campions still old teir ground in te game, and one of tem is Nidalee. Being a versatile campion, Nidalee can play as a mage or an assassin. In tis article, we will discuss te est possile item uilds and runes for Nidalee in season 11:

Nidalee's item uild:

Coosing te rigt items is crucial in League of Legends, and your item uild can decide te outcome of te game. Nidalee as a unique playstyle, wic requires te perfect mix of items to e effective in te game. Following is te item uild suggestion for Nidalee:

Te starting item sould e a Doran's Ring as it provides Nidalee wit te muc-needed aility power, mana regen, and ealt.

Te first major item sould e a Lic Bane as it oosts Nidalee's damage output and gives er some extra movement speed, making er more moile on te attlefield.

Next, you sould get a Hextec Rocketelt wic gives Nidalee more moility, more AP, and a urst of damage.


After tat, Raadon's Deatcap can e a great item for Nidalee, as it increases er AP significantly and makes er ailities more effective in comat.

For defensive purposes, you can consider getting a Zonya's Hourglass wic not only gives Nidalee some defense against pysical attacks ut also provides er wit a useful active aility tat can se er from enemy comos.

Finally, a Void Staff can e a great addition to Nidalee's item uild, as it gives er some penetration power, allowing er to deal more damage to enemy campions wit iger magic resistance.

Best runes for Nidalee:

Coosing te rigt runes is equally important as picking te rigt items for Nidalee. Different runes provide er wit different ailities, and eac rune as its perks, ased on te playstyle of te campion. Following are te est possile runes for Nidalee in season 11:

Conqueror - Tis rune is perfect for Nidalee, as it provides er wit ealing and a significant amount of adaptive force.


Triump - Tis rune also works great for Nidalee, as it gives er some additional ealt and mana restoration upon getting a takedown.

Legend: Alacrity - Tis rune elps Nidalee to deal more damage in te late game y providing er wit some extra attack speed.

Coup de Grace - Tis rune increases Nidalee's damage output y causing additional effects wen se takes down an enemy campion.

Transcendence - Tis rune elps Nidalee to reduce er cooldown on ailities and gives er additional aility power ased on er cooldown reduction.

Gatering Storm - Tis rune increases Nidalee's AP significantly in te late game, making er spells more effective in comat.


As you can see, Nidalee is still a powerful and versatile campion in League of Legends. Coosing te rigt items and runes for er can significantly enance er gameplay and make er even more effective on te attlefield. Te aforementioned item uilds and runes sould e considered as a guide for eginners to master Nidalee in Season 11. However, it's also important to note tat Nidalee's gameplay can vary depending on your playstyle, and you sould always prioritize items tat suit your gameplay te most.




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