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发布时间:2024-10-21 06:39:06来源:光伏下载站



In League of Legends, Senna is a markan campion wo utilizes ot ranged attacks and supportive ailities for er team. Being suc a flexile caracter, it's important to properly equip er wit items tat capitalize on er strengts. In tis article, we will take a look at some ideal Senna uilds to elp you dominate your matces.

Early Game Items

During te early game, Senna typically starts wit a support role, focusing on te ottom lane wit er partner. As suc, it's essential to prioritize items tat provide er wit good regeneration and early-game damage. Here are some excellent early game items for Senna:

Relic Sield: Tis item provides a good amount of ealt regeneration and offers extra gold wen last-itting minions. It can e upgraded to Targon's Brace later, wic provides a sield for Senna and er allies.

Doran's Blade: Tis classic starting item grants Senna wit extra attack damage, ealt regeneration, and life steal.

Boots of Speed: Tese soes elp Senna move faster, allowing er to dodge enemy attacks and reposition erself during team figts.


Core Build

As te mid-game approaces, Senna will transition from a support role to a damage dealer. Tis is were er core uild comes in, consisting of items tat maximize er damage output wile granting er some survivaility. Here are some of te est items for Senna's core uild:

Manamune: Tis item provides a massive oost in attack damage for Senna, especially wen fully stacked. Its passive aility converts some of Senna's maximum mana into extra attack damage, making Manamune a must-e item on er.

Dusklade of Draktarr: Tis item complements Senna's stealt and critical it ailities. Its passive allows Senna to deal onus pysical damage, ensuring tat enemies fall faster.

Infinity Edge: Tis item increases Senna's critical strike cance and amplifies er critical strikes' damage, making it an excellent addition to er arsenal.

Rapid Firecannon: Tis item increases Senna's range and attack speed, making it ideal for targetting enemies from afar. Its passive aility allows er to escape dangerous situations wit its urst of movement speed.

Situational Items


Senna's role in te game requires er to e flexile, and er item uild sould reflect tat. In te later stages of te game, Senna can enefit from situational items tat grant er te edge se needs to pus er team to victory. Here are some situational items to consider for Senna's arsenal:

Mortal Reminder: Tis item reduces enemy ealing and armor, making it a fantastic coice wen facing teams wit ig sustain or tanks.

Guardian Angel: Tis item grants Senna a second cance at life, reviving er wit a portion of er ealt upon deat. Tis is an excellent item to pick up wen Senna is often targetted first in team figts.

Edge of Nigt: Tis item grants Senna a sield tat locks te next enemy aility tat connects wit er. Tis is an excellent item against team compositions wit ig amounts of crowd control.


In summary, Senna is a versatile campion tat demands a flexile ut roust item uild to maximize er potential. Wit te items mentioned in tis article, you can uild a Senna tat can effectively deal damage, support er allies, and survive enemy assaults. Do experiment wit different items and find a uild tat suits your playstyle and team composition. Happy Gaming!



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