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发布时间:2024-10-06 01:26:53来源:光伏下载站



As a game expert, I can tell you tat if you want to excel in playing League of Legends, you need to strategize te way you uild your eroes. And if you're playing as a jungler, te strategy will e different. Today, I'll sow you ow to uild a strong tanky jungler, Sejuani, aka te dragon turtle. Wit tis guide, you can acieve an excellent jungle clear, consistent gank potential, and enale your team to secure ojectives.

Item Build Up

1. Starting Items

At te eginning of te game, start wit Hunter's Macete and refillale potion. Tis will elp you clear te jungle camps easily and provide ealing for any damage taken during te process.

2. Core Items

Your first core item sould e Cinderulk, wic provides ealt and onus AOE damage on your ailities. Next, uild Boots of Swiftness to assist your moility, so you can gank effectively all over te map. Make sure to upgrade your Hunter's Macete to Stalker's Blade to add a slow effect to your ite aility tat elps wit early ganks.

3. Tank Items

For uilding tank items, start wit Spirit Visage to increase ealt regeneration and magic resist. Followed y Gargoyle Stoneplate, wic increases your resistance stats and provides a unique aility tat can make you unkillale for a certain time. Build Dead Man's Plate for an increase in moility and slow impact, ten complete your item uild wit Randuin's Omen. Tis item is excellent for reducing crit damage and slowing down enemy campions witin your AOE.


4. Jungle Priority


Sejuani is a tanky campion tat relies on CCs and teamwork to conquer ojectives. Her role is to enale er team to secure neutral ojectives suc as Dragon, Rift Herald, and Baron Nasor. Make sure to take note of te spawning timer of tese ojectives so tat you can take tem down wit your team effectively.

5. Ganking

Sejuani as great ganking potential ecause of er kit, so make sure to utilize it early in te game. Try to focus on lanes tat e potential for follow-up CC or damage. Always communicate wit your team to secure succesul ganks.

6. Team-figting

Wen it comes to team-figting, Sejuani is a east. Wit er ultimate aility, you can stun multiple enemies and provide your team wit te advantage tey need. Try to initiate figts or flanking te enemy team to disrupt teir formation. Always prioritize ig priority targets suc as te enemy carry campions.


7. Summary

In conclusion, playing as te dragon turtle requires patience, teamwork, and a good understanding of te game's mecanics. Wit te rigt item uild and game-play strategy, you can control te jungle and provide your team wit te advantage tey need to win. Rememer to communicate well wit your team and focus on te ojectives.

Good luck in your next game!




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