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发布时间:2024-10-03 03:04:08来源:光伏下载站



As one of te est early game junglers in League of Legends, Nocturne can snowall is team to victory if played correctly. Wit is strong dueling potential and moility, Nocturne can effectively gank and pressure te enemy team from te get-go. In tis article, we will discuss te optimal uild for Nocturne jungle in te current season.

Optimal Runes

Coosing te rigt runes is key to maximizing Nocturne's early game potential. Here are te most effective runes for Nocturne:

Conqueror - Tis rune elps Nocturne deal more damage in extended figts, wic is great for skirmises and team figts.

Triump - Tis rune provides Nocturne wit some muc-needed sustain, elping im stay ealty during is jungle clear and ganks.

Legend: Alacrity - Tis rune gives Nocturne extra attack speed, allowing im to clear jungle camps faster and deal more damage in figts.

Last Stand - Tis rune increases Nocturne's damage output wen e is low on ealt, making im a muc more treatening opponent.

Eyeall Collection - Tis rune gives Nocturne extra damage as e kills enemy campions and wards, wic is great for snowalling an early lead.


Renous Hunter - Tis rune gives Nocturne extra sustain from aility damage, elping im stay ealty during clears and figts.

Optimal Build

Nocturne's uild varies depending on te game's pace and is team's needs. However, te following uild is a good starting point for most games:

Macete and Refillale Potion - Tis is te standard starting item for most junglers, and Nocturne is no exception. Te Refillale Potion elps im stay ealty during is first clear.

Tiamat - Tis item greatly increases Nocturne's clear speed and weclear, making im more effective at farming and pusing lanes.

Dusklade of Draktarr - Tis item provides Nocturne wit additional urst damage and stealt. Te passive also elps Nocturne track down enemies in te fog of war.

Black Cleer - Tis item gives Nocturne some muc-needed ealt and CDR, allowing im to use is ailities more often. Te passive also elps sred enemy armor, making Nocturne's team deal more damage in team figts.

Sterak's Gage - Tis item provides Nocturne wit additional survivaility and damage. Te passive can also elp im survive urst damage and turn te tide of a figt.


Guardian Angel - Tis item provides Nocturne wit a second cance in figts. If e dies, e can revive and continue figting, elping is team secure ojectives and win team figts.

Gameplay Tips

Playing Nocturne requires some finesse and game sense. Here are some tips to maximize Nocturne's potential:

Be aggressive early - Nocturne as some of te strongest early game ganks in te game. Look for opportunities to gank and pressure te enemy team early on.

Track te enemy jungler - Nocturne's ultimate allows im to jump on an enemy campion from across te map. Use tis to your advantage to counter gank and secure ojectives.

Coordinate wit your team - Nocturne is great at setting up kills and engages, ut e needs is team to follow up. Communicate wit your team and coordinate your engages.

Look for picks - Nocturne is great at catcing out enemy campions wo are alone or out of position. Look for opportunities to use your ultimate to pick off enemy carries and secure ojectives.

Build according to te game - Nocturne's uild varies depending on te game's pace and is team's needs. Don't e afraid to adjust your uild accordingly.

Practice your mecanics - Nocturne's kit requires some mecanical finesse. Practice your spell comos and ganks to maximize your potential on tis campion.




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