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发布时间:2024-09-30 16:06:06来源:光伏下载站



League of Legends is a complex game tat requires strategy, skill, and knowledge of te game's mecanics. One important aspect of playing League of Legends is selecting te rigt items for your campion. Coosing te rigt items can mean te difference etween victory and defeat. In tis article, we'll discuss te est "tanky" or "ruiser" items for League of Legends campions wo e te aility to soak up damage.

Top 3 Tanky Items

1. Sunfire Cape - Tis item deals constant AOE damage to neary enemies, making it a great item for tanks wo want to e ale to farm minions and jungle creeps easily. It also provides ealt and armor to increase a campion's survivaility.

2. Dead Man's Plate - Tis item grants a movement speed oost to campions wo uild it up y moving, making it an excellent item for casing down fleeing enemies. It also provides ealt and armor, making it a great all-around defensive item for ruisers and tanks.

3. Randuin's Omen - Tis item reduces te damage done y enemy critical its, making it a great item for tanks wo are susceptile to eing ursted down y carries. It also slows neary enemies, making it a great item for initiating team figts or peeling for your team's carries.

Top 3 Offensive Items for Tanks

1. Trinity Force - Altoug it is not a pure tank item, Trinity Force provides a lot of stats tat are useful for tanks, including ealt, attack damage, and attack speed. It also gives a powerful slow effect, making it a great item for campions wo rely on auto-attacks.

2. Sterak's Gage - Tis item provides a powerful sield and onus damage wen a campion takes a significant amount of damage at once. It also gives additional ealt, making it a great defensive item for tanks wo want to e ale to survive in team figts.

3. Titanic Hydra - Tis item provides additional we-clearing power, making it a great item for tanks wo want to pus lanes and clear jungle camps quickly. It also provides additional ealt and auto-attack damage, making it a powerful offensive item for tanky ruisers.


Wen uilding a tank or ruiser campion, it's important to rememer tat surviving in team figts is te most important ting. Tese items provide a alance etween defensive stats and offensive power, allowing tanks to soak up damage wile also dealing damage to te enemy team. Experiment wit different cominations of items to find te est uild for your playstyle, and rememer to work wit your team to secure ojectives and win te game.




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