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发布时间:2024-09-30 01:51:14来源:光伏下载站

Wic Heroes Suit 32 Attack Speed Runes?


Te 32 attack speed runes are ideal for eroes wo rely on teir asic attacks to deal damage. Tese runes provide a sizeale oost to attack speed, wic allows eroes to unleas a flurry of attacks in a sort period of time. Heroes wo can make use of tese runes include marken, assassins, and figters wo focus on dealing pysical damage. Below, we will take a closer look at some of te eroes wo can enefit te most from te 32 attack speed runes.

1. Marken

Marken are te most ovious coice wen it comes to using te 32 attack speed runes. Tese eroes rely eily on teir asic attacks to deal damage and can enefit greatly from a oost in teir attack speed. A ero like Miya, for example, can make use of tese runes to quickly take down enemy eroes and turrets. Te extra attack speed also makes it easier for marken to kite and escape from danger, wic is crucial in team figts.


2. Assassins

Assassins are anoter group of eroes wo can make good use of te 32 attack speed runes. Tese eroes rely on urst damage to take down enemy eroes quickly, and te extra attack speed can make a ig difference in teir effectiveness. Heroes like Helcurt and Lancelot can use te runes to quickly take down teir targets efore tey e a cance to react. Te increased attack speed also makes it easier for assassins to clear minion wes and take down turrets.


3. Figters

Figters wo focus on dealing pysical damage can also enefit from te 32 attack speed runes. Tese eroes rely on teir asic attacks to deal damage, and te extra attack speed can elp tem deal more damage in a sorter amount of time. Heroes like Roger and Alucard can make use of te runes to quickly take down teir targets and sustain temselves in prolonged figts. Te increased attack speed also makes it easier for figters to clear jungle camps and farm gold.

Overall, te 32 attack speed runes are ideal for eroes wo rely on asic attacks to deal damage. Marken, assassins, and figters wo focus on dealing pysical damage can all enefit from te extra attack speed provided y tese runes. It is important to note, owever, tat tese runes may not e as effective for eroes wo rely on ailities to deal damage, suc as mages or tanks. As wit any rune setup, it is important to coose te rigt comination of runes to suit your play style and te ero you are using.



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