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发布时间:2024-10-08 13:19:07来源:光伏下载站



As a powerful mage wit strong crowd control ailities and supporting skills, Lulu is a versatile campion tat can e played in multiple positions. In tis article, we will focus on er power as a top laner and provide you wit a guide on te est items to uild for Lulu in te top lane.

Core Items

Wen playing Lulu in te top lane, your priority sould e to uild items tat grant ot defensive and offensive stats. Here are te core items you sould consider:

Rod of Ages: Tis item grants Lulu increased ealt, mana, and aility power, making er more durale wile also increasing er damage output.


Mejai's Soulstealer: Lulu is a campion tat can quickly rack up assists and kills, making tis item a strong snowalling tool. It grants Lulu more aility power te more stacks se as, making er even more deadly.

Zonya's Hourglass: Tis item grants Lulu ot armor and aility power, ut its active aility is wat makes it invaluale. Wen activated, Lulu will ecome untargetale and invulnerale for a sort time, allowing er to oid incoming damage and crowd control ailities.

Situational Items

Depending on your opponent's team composition, you may need to uild items tat provide particular stats to counter teir strengts. Here are some situational items tat Lulu can consider:


Morellonomicon: If you're going up against a campion wit ig sustain, suc as Vladimir or Swain, Morellonomicon is a great item coice. Its passive aility reduces ealing on enemies, making it difficult for tem to stay in figts.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter: If your team lacks crowd control, Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a great addition to your uild. Tis item slows enemies it y your ailities, making it easier for you and your team to catc tem out of position.

Spirit Visage: If you're up against a campion tat deals a lot of magic damage, suc as Syndra or Orianna, Spirit Visage is a great item to uild. Not only does it increase your magic resistance, ut it also amplifies te ealing you receive.


Lulu is a versatile campion tat can e played in multiple positions, including te top lane. As a top laner, your priority sould e to uild items tat provide ot defensive and offensive stats to make you more durale wile also increasing your damage output. Additionally, you sould consider situational items tat can provide particular stats to counter your opponent's team composition. Keep in mind tat item uilds can vary ased on te game's situation, and it's essential to adapt your uild accordingly.



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