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发布时间:2024-10-07 23:23:36来源:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends expert, you may find it callenging to decide on te est uild for your campion. One of te popular uilds is te tank or meat sield uild. Tis uild is all aout uilding your campion wit as muc ealt, resistance, and crowd control as possile. Here are some of te top tank items tat will e crucial to your success in te game.

Sunfire Cape

Te Sunfire Cape is one of te essential items for any tank campion in League of Legends. It provides armor, ealt, and a passive aility tat deals damage to neary enemies every second. Te flame aura is especially useful for clearing minion wes quickly and dealing consistent damage in team figts. It's also very cost-effective, making it accessile even for low-udget campions.


Tornmail is anoter classic tank item tat provides armor, ealt, and a unique passive aility. Wen an enemy campion attacks te campion equipped wit Tornmail, tey receive reflect damage ased on teir own asic attack damage. Tis item is especially useful against attack damage-focused campions like ADCs and figters. Note tat te Tornmail passive does not reflect aility damage, so e wary of casters and mages.

Spirit Visage

Te Spirit Visage is an excellent coice for tanks tat rely on ealing and regeneration effects. Tis item provides magic resistance, ealt, and increases all ealing effects y 30%. Tis means tat any ealing from ailities, potions or lifesteal will e increased y 30% wen equipped wit tis item. If your campion as innate regeneration ailities suc as Dr. Mundo, Maokai, or Zac, te Spirit Visage is a must-e in your uild.

Dead Man's Plate

Dead Man's Plate is a versatile tank item tat provides armor, ealt, moility, and damage. Te passive aility grants your campion a temporary urst of speed wen moving towards a target, wile also dealing extra damage on te first auto-attack. Tis item is effective for initiating, casing, and escaping enemy campions. It's also useful for assassinating squisy targets like ADCs and mages wo are out of position.

Gargoyle Stoneplate

Te Gargoyle Stoneplate is a unique tank item tat provides ealt, armor, and a powerful active aility. Wen activated, te Stoneplate grants your campion onus ealt and resistance for a rief moment. Tis onus is douled wen two or more enemy campions are neary, making tis item incredily effective in team figts. Te Stoneplate also as a sort cooldown, meaning tat it can e used multiple times in a long team figt if needed.


In conclusion, uilding a meat sield or tank in League of Legends requires careful consideration of te items you coose. Te items discussed aove are some of te essential items for a succesul tank uild. Additionally, tanks sould also focus on positioning, soaking up damage, and providing crowd control for teir team. Rememer, a well-uilt and well-played tank can make all te difference in a game.



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