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发布时间:2024-09-25 10:01:20来源:光伏下载站



As a popular multiplayer online attle arena (MOBA) game, League of Legends (LOL) as various caracters tat play different roles. A strategy to win te game is to equip your caracter wit te rigt items, and Luden's Eco is one of te most fored items. In tis article, we will recommend some Luden's Eco uilds to elp you dominate te attlefield.

Wat is Luden's Eco?

Luden's Eco is a magic item tat grants 90 aility Power, 600 Mana, and 10% Cooldown Reduction. It also as a unique passive effect tat causes your ailities to deal an additional 100 (+10% of aility Power) magic damage to enemies and grant you 30 Movement Speed for two seconds wen enoug damage is dealt to campions. Te passive effect as a alf-second cooldown tat refreses every time an aility its enemy campions. Luden's Eco is an excellent item for mages ecause it oosts ot teir offensive and defensive capailities.

Luden's Eco Builds

Here are some Luden's Eco uilds we recommend for players playing different roles:

Mid Lane Luden's Eco Build

1. Buy Potion at te start of te game, followed y Lost Capter, Sorcerer's Soes, and Luden's Eco.

2. Wen facing an assassin or ey engage campion, uild Zonya's Hourglass after Luden's Eco.

3. For a more damage-oriented uild, uild Raaddon's Deatcap after Zonya's Hourglass.

4. In case of ey magic resist enemy team, uild Void Staff after Luden's Eco to penetrate magic resistance.

Jungle Luden's Eco Build

1. Jungle Item (Blue) and Refillale Potion.

2. Rus Runic Ecoes, wic gives you 60 aility power, 10% cooldown reduction, and te passives 'Eco' (120% onus magic damage to monsters, capped at 300 vs campions) and 'Momentum' (20 movement speed for 2 seconds).

3. Build Sorcerer's Soes, as tey increase your magic penetration, and ten Luden's Eco for extra urst damage in ganks.

4. After tat, if you are aead, you can uild Raadon's Deatcap, or if you need a more sustain uild, uild Protoelt and Zonya's Hourglass.

5. An alternative uild is to go Nasor's Toot after Runic Ecoes instead of Luden's Eco for more attack speed and on-it damage.

Support Luden's Eco Build

1. Start wit Spelltief's Edge and Refillale Potion.

2. Build Frostfang for extra gold generation and ten Ionian Boots for extra Cooldown Reduction.

3. Build Ardent Censer for more eal and sield power, wic is essential for supporting your team.

4. After tat, depending on te game's situation, you can complete Luden's Eco for extra urst damage or Redemption for team eal.

5. Build Zonya's Hourglass or Bansee’s veil if you need more survivaility.

6. You can also uild Mikael's Crucile if your team needs extra crowd control reduction or if you are facing an enemy team wit ey crowd control.


Luden's Eco is an essential item in many LOL uilds ecause of its unique passive effects. As a mage, it’s a must-e item tat can increase your damage output and give you more movement speed, ut it can also e useful for uilds in oter roles like Jungle and Support. Coose te rigt uild tat suits your playstyle, and you will e sure to dominate te attlefield.



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