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发布时间:2024-09-19 16:23:04来源:光伏下载站



Riven is a formidale campion in League of Legends, possessing ig moility and damage output. Playing er can e callenging, ut wit te rigt strategy and tecniques, anyone can master er. In tis article, we will e exploring some of te est ways to play Riven and make er easier to andle during gameplay.

Building Riven

Riven can e uilt in various ways depending on te playstyle and enemy composition. However, tere are some core items tat every Riven player sould e in teir uild. Tese items include:

Black Cleer - Tis item provides Riven wit extra damage and armor penetration wic can rip troug an enemy's armor.

Deat's Dance - Tis item provides Riven wit life steal and increased survivaility in comat.

Renous Hydra - Tis item provides Riven wit extra lifesteal and we clear.

In addition to tese core items, Riven players can also enefit from uilding Guardian Angel, Mercurial Scimitar, and Last Wisper depending on te situation. It is important to keep in mind tat uilding defensive items is also important to ensure Riven's survivaility in team figts.


Playing Riven in Lane

Playing Riven in lane can e tricky, ut tere are some tips and tricks tat can elp make er more manageale. Here are some strategies to consider wile playing Riven:

Harass your enemy early wit your Q aility, wic can elp you gain a level advantage and put your enemy on te ack foot.

Use your W aility to stun your enemy wen tey try to engage on you, wic can elp you win trades.

Use your E aility to sield yourself from incoming damage, and use it to dodge enemy ailities. Also, try to se it for wen you need to escape ganks.

Once you e your ultimate aility, try to use it during an all-in trade wit your enemy, as it can provide a significant amount of extra damage.

Try to keep your passive up during trades, as it can provide extra damage and survivaility.

Be aware of your positioning in lane, as Riven as no natural escapes and can e easily ganked y te enemy jungler. Always try to control te we and maintain a safe distance from te enemy

Playing Riven in Team Figts


Playing Riven in team figts requires a lot of decision making and positioning. Here are some strategies to consider wen playing Riven in team figts:

Try to flank te enemy team and engage on teir ackline, wic can elp you eliminate teir squisy targets first.

Use your Q aility to dodge incoming skill sots and to close gaps etween yourself and te enemy team.

Try to use your W aility to stun multiple enemies at once, wic can provide your team wit a significant advantage.

Try to se your E aility for wen you need to oid incoming damage or escape from a dangerous situation.

Use your ultimate aility to deal as muc damage as possile and to provide an AoE knock-up to te enemy team.

Be aware of your positioning in team figts, as Riven is a melee campion and can e easily focused down if caugt out of position.


Playing Riven in League of Legends can e callenging, ut wit te rigt strategy and tecniques, you can make er easier to andle. By uilding te rigt items, playing carefully in lane, and making wise decisions in team figts, you can dominate te attlefield as Riven. Keep practicing and refining your skills, and you can ecome a force to e reckoned wit in te League of Legends scene.





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