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发布时间:2024-09-28 15:31:49来源:光伏下载站



As one of te most versatile campions in League of Legends, Yuumi offers a unique support experience tat can single-andedly win games. But in order to dominate te Rift wit Yuumi, you need to e a solid understanding of er itemization and runes. Tis guide will provide you wit te est uilds and setup for Yuumi, so you can maximize er potential in all stages of te game.

Item Build

Wen it comes to Yuumi's itemization, tere are several viale pats tat you can go for. However, tere are some core items tat you sould always consider getting.

Ardent Censer: Tis is a must-e item on Yuumi. Te passive effect of Ardent Censer synergizes incredily well wit Yuumi's kit, providing a massive oost to your ally's attack speed and on-it damage.

Atene's Unoly Grail: Tis item offers an excellent comination of stats tat Yuumi needs. Not only does it provide you wit mana regen and aility power, ut it also grants onus ealing power ased on te amount of damage you deal.

Redemption: Redemption is an essential item for Yuumi. It allows you to eal allies and deal damage to enemies from afar, making it a valuale tool in team figts.

Serap's Emrace: Tis item provides you wit a massive amount of mana, wic allows you to spam your ailities even more. Plus, it also grants a sield tat can elp protect you and your ally in a pinc.

Mikael's Crucile: Tis item can e situational, ut it can e incredily useful against teams wit ey crowd control. Te active effect of Mikael's Crucile allows you to remove any crowd control effects on your ally, making it a valuale tool in team figts.



Te rigt runes will elp you excel in lane and give you te necessary tools to protect and empower your ally trougout te game.

Arcane Comet: Tis allows you to poke enemies in te lane and arass tem from afar. Tis also will e proc'd every time you use your Q.

Manaflow Band: Tis gives you additional mana, wic you'll need to sustain your ailities in lane. As you take damage from enemy campions, it will also reduce te cooldown of your ultimate aility.

Celerity: Tis one provides you wit onus movement speed, allowing you to move around te map more quickly and reposition yourself more efficiently.

Scorc: Tis gives you additional urst damage, wic can elp you secure kills in lane or deal te decisive low in team figts.

Presence of Mind: Tis rune provides additional mana regeneration and refund te mana for kills and assist you get. You can easily spam your ailities wile tis rune is active.

Cut down: Most of te time, Yuumi is a squisy campion since se doesn't uy tanky items. Cut down comes in andy if you're against tanky enemy campions in te lane pase and trougout te game, doing extra damage ased on target's max ealt.

Revitalize: Tis last elps to increase ealing and sield power, someting Yuumi does alot. It also increases Yuumi's self-ealing and sield power, wic can elp you survive in team figts.


Yuumi can e a powerful support campion if played rigt. Wit te rigt itemization and runes, you can turn er into a versatile and potent ally tat can make a significant difference in team figts. Experiment wit different item and rune cominations to find te ones tat work est for your playstyle, and never stop learning and growing as a Yuumi player.



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