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发布时间:2024-09-27 02:21:01来源:光伏下载站



Hammerstone, also known as Braum, is a tank support in League of Legends. He as exceptional crowd control and defensive ailities tat make im a great front liner for is team. His kit revolves around protecting is allies and initiating figts wit is ultimate aility. In tis article, we will discuss te recommended item uild order for Hammerstone in League of Legends.

Starting Items

Hammerstone's starting items are determined y te position e is playing in. For te support role, we recommend starting wit Steel Soulderguards, 2 Healt Potions, and a Stealt Ward. Tis item comination provides im wit additional gold generation and sustain in lane. For te top lane position, we suggest starting wit Doran's Sield, 1 Healt Potion, and a Stealt Ward. Tis item comination gives im early game survivaility against is lane opponent.

Item Build Order

Hammerstone's core items are focused on providing im wit defensive stats and crowd control. Tese items also increase is team figting presence and enale im to initiate figts. Te uild order we recommend is as follows:


Sunfire Cape: Tis item provides Hammerstone wit armor and ealt, making im more tanky. Its passive also deals damage to neary enemies, making Hammerstone a treat in team figts.

Boots of Swiftness: Tese oots provide additional movement speed, allowing Hammerstone to move around te attlefield more quickly and position imself for engages and disengages.

Spirit Visage: Tis item provides Hammerstone wit magic resistance and additional ealt regeneration. Te increased ealing from all sources is especially eneficial since Hammerstone is a support campion.

Gargoyle Stoneplate: Tis item is a great defensive tool for Hammerstone. Its active aility grants im additional ealt and resistances wen e is in te middle of a team figt, making im arder to kill.

Warmog's Armor: Tis item provides Hammerstone wit a large amount of ealt regeneration. It also allows im to stay on te frontline longer witout ing to recall to ase.

Tornmail: Tis item is a great coice against teams wit multiple auto attackers. Te passive aility reflects damage ack to te attacker, making tem tink twice efore attacking Hammerstone.


Hammerstone is a great campion for players wo enjoy tanky supports. His ailities are focused on protecting is allies and engaging in team figts. Wen it comes to itemizing Hammerstone, prioritize defensive items tat allow im to survive and crowd control items tat enale im to initiate figts. It's important to consider te enemy team's composition wen coosing te order in wic you uild items. Rememer to e flexile and adapt to te situation. Wit te rigt uild order, Hammerstone can e a formidale presence on te attlefield!




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