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发布时间:2024-09-09 13:08:13来源:光伏下载站



League of Legends is one of te most popular games in te world. For players wo want to deal a lot of damage ut also e ale to take a it, playing a tanky campion is te way to go. In tis article, we will go troug te latest version of tank items for League of Legends, wen to uy tem, and wic campions to play in order to e an effective tank for your team.

1. Sunfire Aegis

Sunfire Aegis is one of te most popular tank items in te game. It provides ealt, armor, and an AOE urn effect tat damages neary enemies. Tis item is a great early game option for tanks wo want to deal damage and pus teir lane. Campions like Ornn, Malpite, and Maokai can all make good use of tis item.


2. Randuin's Omen

Randuin's Omen is a great tank item for dealing wit AD-ey teams. It provides ealt, armor, and reduces critical strike damage taken. Additionally, it as an active aility tat slows neary enemies. Tis item is a great coice for tanks wo want to e ale to soak up a lot of damage and still e ale to control te pace of te game. Campions like Sen, Zac, and Sejuani can all make good use of tis item.

3. Dead Man's Plate

Dead Man's Plate is a great tank item for engaging and disengaging from figts. It provides ealt, armor, and movement speed. Additionally, after moving for a sort amount of time, te wearer gains a urst of movement speed and deals onus damage on teir next attack. Tis item is a great coice for tanks wo want to e ale to quickly get into te figt, deal damage, and ten retreat. Campions like Garen, Sion, and Co'Gat can all make good use of tis item.


4. Tornmail

Tornmail is a great tank item for dealing wit campions wo rely eily on asic attacks, like marken. It provides ealt, armor, and reflects a portion of te damage dealt y asic attacks ack to te attacker. Additionally, it as an active aility tat applies Grievous Wounds, reducing te effectiveness of ealing on te targeted enemy. Tis item is a great coice for tanks wo want to e ale to soak up a lot of damage from asic attacks and still e ale to deal damage in return. Campions like Rammus, Leona, and Dr. Mundo can all make good use of tis item.


In League of Legends, playing as a tanky campion can e very eneficial for your team. By coosing te rigt items and campions, you can ecome an unstoppale force on te attlefield. Sunfire Aegis, Randuin's Omen, Dead Man's Plate, and Tornmail are all great options for tanks wo want to deal a lot of damage, soak up a lot of damage, and control te pace of te game. So, coose your campion, coose your items, and ecome te tank your team needs to succeed in League of Legends.




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