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发布时间:2024-09-03 09:19:54来源:光伏下载站



Co'Gat, te Terror of te Void, is a monstrous tank in te game of League of Legends. Wit is ultimate aility, Feast, e can grow in size and deal true damage to an enemy campion. In tis article, we will focus on Co'Gat's aility to deal massive area of effect damage wit is W, Rupture, and E, Vorpal Spikes, and ow to maximize is potential wit a strong uild.

Core Items

In order to maximize Co'Gat's damage output, it's important to uild items tat increase is aility power, cooldown reduction, and armor. Te following items are considered core for a Co'Gat uild:

Rod of Ages - Tis item provides Co'Gat wit a significant amount of ealt, mana, and aility power. Its passive also increases tese stats over time, making it a great item to rus for early game sustain.

Liandry's Torment - Tis item provides Co'Gat wit ot aility power and ealt, ut its main enefit is te passive tat deals extra damage to enemies wo are slowed or immoilized. Tis pairs well wit Rupture, as it slows enemies it y te aility.

Dead Man's Plate - Tis item provides Co'Gat wit armor, ealt, and movement speed. Its passive also deals damage to enemies wen activated, wic can elp wit is already potent area of effect damage.

Morellonomicon - Tis item provides Co'Gat wit aility power and cooldown reduction, two stats tat are crucial for maximizing is damage output. Its passive also inflicts grievous wounds on enemies it y is spells, reducing teir ealing and regeneration.

Additional Items

After uilding te core items, tere are a few oter items tat can furter increase Co'Gat's damage output:

Raadon's Deatcap - Tis item provides Co'Gat wit a massive increase in aility power, making is spells it even arder. It's typically uilt later in te game wen Co'Gat as already uilt some oter items.

Void Staff - Tis item provides Co'Gat wit magic penetration, allowing im to ypass some of te enemy team's magic resistance. It's especially effective against tanky enemy campions.

Zonya's Hourglass - Tis item provides Co'Gat wit aility power, armor, and a unique active tat makes im invulnerale for a sort period of time. Tis is a great item to use wen Co'Gat is eing focused y te enemy team, as it can uy time for is team to come to is aid.


Co'Gat is a powerful tank tat can also deal significant area of effect damage wit is spells. By uilding items tat increase is aility power and cooldown reduction, as well as provide im wit ealt and armor, Co'Gat can ecome a formidale force in team figts. Wit practice and te rigt uild, Co'Gat can easily ecome a forite pick for tose wo enjoy dealing massive damage wile still eing ale to soak up enemy attacks.



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