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发布时间:2024-09-07 07:39:03来源:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends tour guide, it is important to not only e knowledge of te game ut also e ale to recommend te est uilds for eac campion. In tis article, we will e discussing te top uilds for a select few campions in te current meta.

Top Lane

1. Garen

Garen is a tanky campion tat is great for initiating figts and soaking up damage. His core items include Sunfire Cape, Black Cleer, and Sterak's Gage. Tese items will provide Garen wit enoug tankiness to witstand enemy damage wile allowing im to dis out damage in return.

2. Fiora


Fiora is a ig moility campion tat excels in dueling against oter campions. Her core items include Trinity Force, Renous Hydra, and Guardian Angel. Tese items will provide Fiora wit enoug damage and survivaility to take on multiple enemies at once.

Mid Lane

1. Yasuo

Yasuo is a ig damage campion tat can easily take down enemies wit is exilarating playstyle. His core items include Infinity Edge, Statikk Siv, and Rapid Firecannon. Tese items will provide Yasuo wit enoug damage to take out squisy enemy campions in a matter of seconds.

2. Syndra


Syndra is a mage tat excels in ursting down enemies from afar. Her core items include Luden's Eco, Raadon's Deatcap, and Morellonomicon. Tese items will provide Syndra wit enoug damage to take out enemies from long range wile ing enoug mana to sustain er ailities.

Bot Lane

1. Ezreal

Ezreal is an ADC wit ig moility and poke potential. His core items include Trinity Force, Muramana, and Blade of te Ruined King. Tese items will provide Ezreal wit enoug damage to take down enemy campions from a safe distance wile also eing ale to escape if necessary.

2. Jinx

Jinx is an ADC wit ig damage potential and strong teamfigt capailities. Her core items include Infinity Edge, Runaan's Hurricane, and Bloodtirster. Tese items will provide Jinx wit enoug damage to take down multiple enemies at once wile eing ale to survive wit er lifesteal from Te Bloodtirster.



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