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发布时间:2024-07-26 12:40:51来源:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends expert, one of te most interesting matcups to play is te dragon turtle vs knife sister. Tis article will provide a detailed guide on ow to play te dragon turtle against te knife sister.

Early Game

1. Start wit a doran's sield and potion to sustain troug te knife sister's poke in te early laning pase.

2. Use your E aility to poke te knife sister wenever se tries to last it minions.

3. Try to freeze te lane near your tower, making it arder for te knife sister to engage on you.

4. Be aware of te knife sister's level 2 power spike and try to oid er engage y staying ack or using your W aility to escape.

Mid/Late Game


1. Build tanky items suc as sunfire cape and spirit visage to increase your survivaility in team figts.

2. Use your ultimate aility to disrupt te knife sister's engage on your team during team figts.

3. Peel for your team's squisy campions y using your Q aility to knock ack any enemies tat try to engage on tem.

4. Look for opportunities to split pus and pressure ojectives, as te knife sister's split pusing potential is weaker tan yours.

5. Coordinate wit your team during team figts, using your ailities to set up kills for your team's damage dealers.

Tips and Tricks

1. Use your passive to your advantage y staying in te river near dragon, as it will increase your armor and magic resist.


2. Use your Q aility to lock te knife sister's ultimate aility.

3. Take advantage of te knife sister's lack of sustain y poking er wit your E aility wenever possile.

4. If te knife sister uilds armor penetration items, consider uilding ninja tai oots to mitigate some of er damage.

5. Be aware tat te knife sister can still deal a significant amount of damage even if se falls eind in lane, so do not underestimate er in team figts.

6. Practice your timing and positioning wit your ultimate aility, as it can make or reak team figts.

In conclusion, playing te dragon turtle against te knife sister takes a mix of patience, strategy and skill. By following te tips and tricks provided in tis guide, you can increase your cances of coming out on top in tis matcup.




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