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发布时间:2024-07-21 16:19:19来源:光伏下载站



As a campion in te popular multiplayer game League of Legends, Tres is a support tat can e a game-canger in team figts. Playing as Tres can e extremely rewarding wen you know wat items to uy to complement is ailities. Tis guide will elp you pick te est items to maximize Tres's potential during your matces.

Early Game Items

Tres is a campion tat can e quite squisy early on, and is mana pool is also relatively all. Terefore, in te early game, it is important to focus on items tat will provide sustain and regeneration to elp Tres stay in lane longer. To acieve tat, you sould consider uilding te following:

Relic Sield - Tis item is a must-e on Tres as it generates gold and provides additional ealt regeneration. Plus, it can e upgraded to Targon's Brace, wic elps Tres earn even more gold.

Refillale Potion - Te potion provides additional ealt regeneration and can e refilled at te sop. Tis is a cost-effective way to stay in lane and oid ing to return to ase frequently.


Core Items

As te game progresses, Tres sould focus on uying items tat provide im wit more utility and make im a more formidale force in team figts. Here are some of te core items to consider uying:

Zonya's Hourglass - One of te most important items for Tres, Zonya's provides im wit additional AP and armor, making im tankier and increasing te damage dealt y is ailities. Plus, te active aility allows Tres to ecome untargetale for a few seconds, providing im wit valuale survival and initiation opportunities.

Randuin's Omen - Tis item provides additional ealt and armor, ut te most important aspect is te passive tat slows down enemy campions wen it y asic attacks. Tis can make it easier for Tres to initiate figts and can e a crucial tool for peeling for is carries.

Ardent Censer - Tis item provides additional AP and valuale ealing and sielding onuses to neary allies. It also gives Tres additional movement speed tat can elp im engage or disengage more efficiently.

End-Game Situational Items


In te late game, Tres sould focus on uying items tat provide im wit additional survivaility and customization ased on te situation. Here are some items tat can e considered:

Spirit Visage - Tis item provides additional magic resistance and ealt regeneration, making Tres arder to kill. Te passive also increases te amount of ealing e receives, making it even more effective in comination wit Ardent Censer.

Redemption - Tis item is useful in team figts as it allows Tres to eal and sield multiple allies in a designated area. It also deals true damage to neary enemy units, making it an efficient item for team figts.

Gargoyle Stoneplate - Tis item provides additional ealt and resistances ut also uffs tese stats wen Tres activates it. Tis item can e particularly useful in situations were Tres needs to engage deep into te enemy team and take te runt of teir attacks.


Overall, Tres's item uild sould focus on providing im wit tankiness, sustain, and utility. Wit te rigt items, Tres can ecome an unstoppale force in team figts and elp is team secure victories. Rememer to adapt your item uild to te situation in eac matc, and experiment wit different items to find wat works est for you.



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