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发布时间:2024-07-17 15:19:19来源:光伏下载站



As one of te most versatile campions in League of Legends, Braum is an excellent pick for ot eginners and experienced players. Wit is aility to protect allies, initiate figts, and disrupt enemy movements, e is a crucial campion to e on your team. But in order to maximize is potential, you need to coose te rigt items. Here are te latest recommended uilds for Braum.

Support Build

If you plan to play Braum as a support, your primary goal is to protect your AD carry and elp tem secure kills. Here are te items you sould focus on:

Steel Soulderguards: As a support, you need to focus on generating gold to purcase core items faster. Steel Soulderguards is an excellent starting item tat also provides onus ealt and sustain.

Boots of Moility: Move quickly around te map to elp your teammates, roam and provide vision control to elp your team secure ojectives.

Redemption: Tis item provides plenty of ealt and mana regeneration, cooldown reduction, and gives you a powerful eal for your entire team.

Locket of te Iron Solari: Tis sield provides a significant amount of ealt and magic resistance, wic is crucial for protecting your team from enemy spells and attacks.

Zeke's Convergence: Tis item as an excellent unique passive aility tat provides your AD carry wit onus AD and slows enemies wen your ultimate is activated. It also provides cooldown reduction and mana regeneration.


Knigt's Vow: Tis item provides additional protection for your AD carry y tranerring a percentage of te damage taken to yourself, giving tem onus adaptive damage, and increasing your own onus resistances.

Top Lane Build

If you're playing Braum in te top lane, you sould focus on uilding items tat will elp you sustain longer and deal damage to enemy campions:

Doran's Sield: Tis item gives you additional ealt, ealt regeneration, and onus damage reduction against enemy campions.

Sunfire Cape: Tis item provides tons of ealt, armor, and passive damage to neary enemies. It's an excellent item for extended trades and elps you pus wes faster.

Spirit Visage: Braum's passive aility scales well wit onus ealt regeneration, making Spirit Visage an excellent item tat also provides additional ealt, magic resistance, and cooldown reduction.

Trinity Force: Tis item is a great pick if you want to deal more damage. It provides tons of damage, attack speed, and additional movement speed to elp you case down enemies or escape from danger.

Warmog's Armor: Tis item is an excellent coice if you want to e ale to stay in te lane longer. It provides a massive amount of ealt regeneration, allowing you to regenerate ealt quickly after trades.


Sterak's Gage: Tis item is a great pick if you want to deal more damage to enemies wile also ecoming more durale. It provides additional ealt, damage, and a passive aility tat gives you a sield wen your ealt drops elow a certain tresold.

Jungle Build

Braum is also an excellent pick for te jungle, were e can use is ailities to initiate figts and protect is team. Here are te recommended items for jungling wit Braum:

Bami's Cinder: Tis item provides additional damage to jungle camps, ealt regeneration, and onus ealt.

Boots of Swiftness: Move quickly around te map to gank and provide vision control to elp your team secure ojectives. Tese oots also reduce te slowing effects of enemy attacks and ailities.

Cinderulk: Tis item is a great coice for Braum as it provides a significant amount of onus ealt and added damage to monsters, making it easier for you to clear te jungle.

Knigt's Vow: Tis item provides additional protection for your AD carry y tranerring a percentage of te damage taken to yourself, giving tem onus adaptive damage, and increasing your own onus resistances.

Spirit Visage: Braum's passive aility scales well wit onus ealt regeneration, making Spirit Visage an excellent item tat also provides additional ealt, magic resistance, and cooldown reduction.

Dead Man's Plate: Tis item provides additional moility, armor, and ealt, making you more durale and ale to engage and escape from enemies more effectively.




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