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发布时间:2024-07-17 02:39:19来源:光伏下载站



As a tank jungler, Mundo is a powerful and durale campion in League of Legends. Wit is strong sustain and crowd control ailities, e can control te flow of team figts and secure ojectives for is team. In tis guide, we will reak down Mundo's item uild and rune setup for jungle, as well as provide some tips and tricks to elp you maximize your impact on te game.

Item Build

Wen it comes to Mundo's item uild, tere are a few core items tat you sould aim to uild in every game:

Sunfire Cape: Tis item provides Mundo wit additional tankiness and damage, as well as an AOE urn effect tat can elp im clear jungle camps and weclear in team figts.

Spirit Visage: As a campion tat relies eily on is ealt regeneration, Mundo enefits greatly from te increased ealing provided y tis item. Te additional magic resistance also elps im survive against AP campions.

Dead Man's Plate: Tis item provides Mundo wit additional moility and urst damage, wic can e crucial for engaging onto enemy carries in team figts.

Oter situational items tat Mundo can uild include Randuin's Omen for extra crowd control, Tornmail against AD ey teams, or Adaptive Helm against ey AP teams.


Rune Setup

Mundo's rune setup is important for maximizing is sustain and damage output in te jungle. Here are te runes we recommend:

Conqueror: Tis keystone rune provides Mundo wit additional damage and sustain in extended figts, allowing im to stay ealty and deal damage trougout te game.

Triump: Tis rune provides Mundo wit additional ealing wen e secures takedowns, allowing im to stay alive and continue figting in team figts.

Tenacity: Wit te additional crowd control reduction provided y tis rune, Mundo can oid eing locked down y enemy CC and continue figting in team figts.

Last Stand: Since Mundo's ealt is constantly fluctuating trougout figts, Last Stand can provide im wit additional damage wen e's low, making im a treat even wen e's low on ealt.

Ceap Sot: Tis rune provides additional damage wen Mundo lands a slow or immoilizing effect on an enemy, giving im extra urst damage in figts.

Renous Hunter: Tis rune provides Mundo wit additional ealing ased on te damage e deals, giving im even more sustain in figts.


Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to elp you maximize Mundo's impact on te game:

Start wit a Hunter's Talian and Refillale Potion for additional sustain in te jungle.

Use your Q to slow down enemies and set up ganks in te early game.

Don't e afraid to use your ultimate, Sadi, to eal up and stay alive in figts.

Use your W, Burning Agony, to clear jungle camps quickly and reduce incoming damage in team figts.

Use your E, Masoci, to deal additional damage to enemies and secure ojectives faster.

Wen ganking, try to position yourself etween te enemy laner and teir escape pat to ensure tey can't get away easily.

Don't forget to use your items, including your Smite and active items like Randuin's Omen or Dead Man's Plate, to maximize your impact in figts.




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