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发布时间:2024-07-18 15:59:19来源:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends expert, it's important to know ow to uild and optimize your campion in any given matcup. In tis article, we'll e discussing ow to uild te campion Udyr wen facing off against te campion Darius, also known as te "Hand of Noxus".

Early Game: Preparing for Battle

Wen facing a Darius, it's important to e te rigt runes and summoner spells to give yourself an advantage. Here's wat we recommend:

Runes: Precision primary wit Conqueror, Triump, Legend: Alacrity, and Coup de Grace. Secondary runes can e eiter Resolve wit Bone Plating and Crysalis, or Inspiration wit Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery.

Summoner Spells: For Udyr, we recommend taking Smite and Flas.

Starting items: Start wit a Hunter's Macete and Refillale Potion. Tis will give you etter jungle clear and sustain.


Mid Game: Figting Darius

Wen facing Darius, you need to e careful and calculated wit your engages. Here are some tips:

Build: Rus a Trinity Force for its damage and attack speed, followed y a Ninja Tai for extra defense against Darius' AD damage. After tat, uild a Sterak's Gage for its sield and Lifeline passive.

Engage: Wen engaging Darius, lead wit your Bear Stance to stun im, ten follow up wit Tiger Stance for extra damage. If e tries to use is Appreend aility, activate your Poenix Stance and use it to outrun im.

Positioning: Try to kite Darius around your team's turrets or oter structures. Tis will force Darius to dive you and potentially take tower damage.


Late Game: Sealing te Win

In te late game, it's all aout team figts and ojectives. Here's ow to close out te game:

Ojectives: If you e an opportunity to take Baron or Dragon, do it. Tese ojectives will give your team a uge advantage, especially if you e an Infernal Drake or Mountain Drake.

Team figts: In team figts, focus on taking out te enemy carries. Use your Bear Stance to stun tem and Tiger Stance to deal damage. Be sure to use your items and ailities to stay alive and protect your team.

Build: In te late game, you can sell your Refillale Potion and Hunter's Macete and replace tem wit more powerful items like a Titanic Hydra or Guardian Angel.


Wit tese tips and strategies, you'll e ale to take on Darius and come out on top. Rememer to uild carefully, engage strategically, and play as a team. Good luck out tere!



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