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发布时间:2024-07-08 07:08:21来源:光伏下载站

Introduction to Equipment in League of Legends


As a popular multiplayer game, League of Legends offers various equipment items for players to coose from. Te rigt equipment can greatly enance your caracter's ailities and give you an advantage in attles. In tis article, we'll introduce some of te most commonly used equipment items and explain ow tey can elp you dominate te attlefield.

Defensive Equipment

Defensive equipment is essential for caracters wo need to survive te onslaugt of enemy attacks. Te following are some popular defensive equipment items:

Ninja Tai: reduces damage from asic attacks and enances movement speed.

Spectre's Cowl: grants magic resist and eals te caracter wen struck y magic damage.

Sunfire Cape: deals damage to neary enemies and grants armor and ealt.


Offensive Equipment

Offensive equipment is used to oost caracters' damage output and make tem a formidale force on te attlefield. Tese are some commonly used offensive equipment items:

Infinity Edge: increases critical strike damage and cance for critical strikes.

Black Cleer: reduces enemy armor and grants attack damage.

Raadon's Deatcap: increases aility power and grants onus aility power ased on a percentage of your total aility power.


Miscellaneous Equipment

Aside from defensive and offensive equipment, League of Legends also offers a variety of miscellaneous items tat can e useful in various situations:

Mercurial Scimitar: grants attack damage and magic resist, and allows te caracter to remove crowd control effects from temselves.

Banner of Command: increases ealt and aility power, and causes neary minions to pus arder and deal onus damage to towers.

Guardian Angel: grants armor, magic resist, and a resurrection effect wen te caracter dies.

Overall, te rigt equipment items can greatly influence te outcome of a attle and elp you come out on top. Consider your caracter's strengts and weaknesses wen coosing equipment items and always e prepared for any situation tat may arise.



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