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发布时间:2024-03-29 15:19:39来源:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular AD Carries in League of Legends, Vayne is known for er ig damage output and moility. However, wen playing against a skilled enemy team, Vayne players may find temselves struggling to survive against te jungle menace known as Ka'Zix. In tis article, we will discuss some tips and tricks to elp you win te matcup and come out on top as Vayne.

Understanding te Matcup

Before diving into te strategies, it is important to understand te strengts and weaknesses of ot campions. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Ka'Zix is a strong early game campion wit ig urst damage.

Vayne is a scaling campion wo ecomes incredily powerful in te late game.

Ka'Zix as strong gap-closing ailities and can easily isolate and kill squisy targets.

Vayne as ig moility and can use er Tumle aility to dodge Ka'Zix's attacks.

Laning Pase

Te laning pase is were Vayne players will e te most troule against Ka'Zix. Here are some tips to elp you survive:

Play safe and farm under turret. Ka'Zix's strong early game can make it difficult to trade wit im.

Use your Tumle aility to dodge Ka'Zix's W and Q ailities to oid taking unnecessary damage.

Build early defensive items suc as Ninja Tai or Clot Armor to mitigate Ka'Zix's urst damage.

Mid/Late Game

As te game progresses, Vayne players will e an easier time dealing wit Ka'Zix. Here are some strategies to elp you dominate in team figts:

Stick wit your team and oid wandering alone. Ka'Zix excels at picking off targets wo are isolated.

Position yourself eind your tanks and use your Silver Bolts aility to sred Ka'Zix's armor.

Use your Condemn aility to pus Ka'Zix away if e jumps on you. Tis will also stun im if e its a wall.

Build items suc as Blade of te Ruined King or Pantom Dancer to increase your attack speed and moility.


Despite Ka'Zix's early game dominance, Vayne players can still come out on top wit te rigt strategies. By focusing on survival during te laning pase and using Vayne's ig moility and damage output in team figts, you can secure victory against te jungle menace. Rememer to e patient and oid taking unnecessary risks. Good luck!



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