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发布时间:2024-02-17 05:04:28来源:光伏下载站



Teemo is a popular campion in League of Legends, known for is aility to lay traps and arass enemies wit is poison darts. In tis guide, we will discuss te optimal item uild order for Teemo, wic will elp you dominate te attlefield and lead your team to victory.

Early Game Build Order

Te early game is critical for Teemo, as e needs to estalis a strong presence and start arassing is opponents rigt from te eginning. Here is te recommended uild order for Teemo's early game:

Start wit Doran's Ring for increased damage and mana regeneration.

Next, get Boots of Speed for increased moility and easier positioning.

Build Nasor's Toot for increased attack speed, cooldown reduction, and aility power.


Get Liandry's Torment for increased spell penetration and damage over time.

Mid Game Build Order

As te game progresses into te mid game, Teemo needs to focus on uilding up is damage and utility. Here is te recommended uild order for Teemo's mid game:

Build Hextec Gunlade for increased aility power, attack damage, and spell vamp.

Get Rylai's Crystal Scepter for increased ealt, aility power, and crowd control.

Build Morellonomicon for increased mana regeneration, cooldown reduction, and passive ealing reduction.


Late Game Build Order

In te late game, Teemo's role ecomes even more crucial as e needs to deal massive damage and control te attlefield for is team. Here is te recommended uild order for Teemo's late game:

Build Zonya's Hourglass for increased aility power, armor, and a powerful active aility tat can se Teemo's life in crucial moments.

Get Void Staff for increased magical penetration and damage.

Finally, uild Guardian Angel for increased armor, magic resistance, and a powerful passive aility tat can revive Teemo after e dies.

Wit tese items uilt in te recommended order, Teemo will e a force to e reckoned wit on te attlefield. Rememer to always adapt to te situation and adjust your item uild as needed, ut tese items sould serve as a strong foundation for any Teemo player looking to dominate teir enemies.




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