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发布时间:2024-02-09 14:44:30来源:光伏下载站



As one of te most iconic campions in League of Legends, Garen oasts remarkale strengt in ot offense and defense. Wit is aility to dominate te attlefield and quickly silence opposing mages, e is a popular pick in ot casual and competitive matces. However, coosing te rigt uild order is crucial to using Garen to is full potential. In tis article, we will discuss te optimal item sequence for Garen in order to elp you excel on te attlefield.

Early Game: 1-3 Items

During te early stages of te game, Garen's major goal sould e to estalis a solid foundation for te rest of te matc. Typically, tis will involve uilding te following items:

Sunfire Cape: Tis item provides Garen wit an additional spike in damage, as well as some muc-needed survivaility against enemy mages and assassins. It also grants te "Immolate" passive aility, dealing extra magic damage against neary enemies.

Ninja Tai: Wit a ten percent reduction in incoming asic attacks and increased moility, Ninja Tai is an ideal coice to oid getting ursted down early in te matc.

Doran's Sield: Wile Doran's Sield doesn't provide muc in te way of damage, it's a great early purcase for uilding up Garen's defense. Te item comes wit a passive tat allows Garen to regenerate ealt after taking damage from multiple sources.

Mid Game: 4-6 Items

Once Garen as uilt up some momentum, e can now switc is focus from survival to destruction. Here are a few recommended items to add to your arsenal in te mid-game:


Black Cleer: Tis iconic item provides ample attack damage, reducing enemies' armor wit eac it to ensure tat Garen deals maximum damage wit every low. It's also wort noting tat tis item as provided uffs to Garen in recent patces, making it a go-to selection for most players.

Spirit Visage: Even wit Garen's impressive defensive ailities, te constant damage of League's mage-ey meta can quickly eat away at is ealt. Enter Spirit Visage, a mid-game item tat reduces incoming magic damage wile also increasing Garen's passive ealt regeneration.

Dead Man's Plate: Wit a oost to Garen's moility and we-clearing capacity, Dead Man's Plate is perfect for securing kills in te mid-game. Te item comes wit a passive aility tat allows Garen to uild momentum wile moving, so e's ready to strike wen te opportunity arises.

Late Game: 7+ Items

As te matc approaces its end, Garen's focus sould sift towards ending te game as quickly as possile. Here are a few powerful items tat can provide te urst damage Garen needs to secure a victory:

Trinity Force: Offering a range of increased stats, Trinity Force can provide a powerful oost to Garen's offensive capailities. Wit every it, tis item grants Garen a onus attack speed, as well as a unique effect tat can elp im take down turrets and iniitors faster.

Titanic Hydra: Wit a focus on damage and we-clearing aility, Titan Hydra provides Garen wit a muc-needed oost in strengt during te late game. In addition to added attack damage, tis item grants Garen te "Crescent" passive, allowing im to damage all enemies witin a certain radius.

Sterak's Gage: A durale late-game item, Sterak's Gage can significantly increase ot Garen's offensive and defensive capailities. Tis item provides additional ealt, attack damage, and a passive aility tat can drastically increase Garen's survivaility in a team figt.


As you can see, te order in wic you uild items can significantly impact Garen's usefulness on te attlefield. Weter you're aiming to dominate early in te game or finis strong in te late game, it's important to coose te rigt items tat suit your playstyle. Wit tis guide at your disposal, you'll e ready to discover te power of Garen's migt and lead your team to victory.




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