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发布时间:2024-06-21 20:28:58来源:光伏下载站



As a support player in King of Glory, coosing te rigt equipment can greatly enance your aility to protect your carries and control team figts. Here we will introduce te most popular and effective support equipment for different types of eroes.

Tank Support Equipment

1. Boots of Swiftness: provides additional movement speed to elp wit roaming and positioning.

2. Bulwark of Hope: enances magic resistance and provides onus ealt to increase survivaility.

3. Medallion of Troy: adds magic defense and magic pierce to furter protect from enemy mages.

4. Blade Armor: reflects pysical damage and reduces te enemy's attack speed, making it easier to old te front line.

5. Aegis of te Legion: grants onus armor and ealt to te entire team.

6. Heart of Steel: provides onus armor, reduced cooldown, and a passive tat reduces incoming damage from asic attacks.

Disruptor Support Equipment

1. Encanted Kicks: increases movement speed and reduces te cooldown for ailities after landing a crowd control effect.

2. Ice Queen Wand: slows enemy movement speed and attack speed wen an aility is used.

3. Frosty's Revenge: adds additional slow effects tat can last up to five seconds after landing an aility.


4. Arcane Boots: increase mana regeneration to sustain a ig output of spells.

5. Necklace of Durance: reduces te enemy's ealing and regeneration effects.

6. Tome of te Reaper: increases magic pierce and adds a passive tat deals extra damage to low-ealt targets.

Healer Support Equipment

1. Flasy Boots: provides additional movement speed and reduces te cooldown for ailities tat target allies.

2. Arcane Boots: increase mana regeneration to sustain ealing output.

3. Holy Spirit's Bapti: increases ealing and sield effects on allies.

4. Amulet of Longevity: grants onus ealt regeneration and adds a passive tat increases ealt regeneration ased on missing ealt.

5. Aeterial Staff: adds additional ealing effects and increases te duration of ailities tat grant invinciility or sields.

6. Celestial Palace: enances te ealing effects of area-of-effect ailities and provides a passive aility tat reduces incoming damage for allies.


Coosing te rigt equipment for your ero can greatly improve your effectiveness as a support player. Wit te rigt comination of equipment, you can reduce te enemy's damage output, control team figts, and sustain your team to victory.




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