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发布时间:2024-06-18 19:45:19来源:光伏下载站



Ryze is a potent mage campion in League of Legends wo can deal massive damage wile tanking te enemy's damage. To oost is survivaility and offensive capailities, uilding im as a vampire-style AP carry is a art coice. In tis article, we'll guide you on ow to uild Ryze wit a "Blood-Sucking" uild tat can sustain imself wile damaging enemies.


1. Hextec Gunlade: First and foremost, te Gunlade is a must-e item for spellvamp caracters. It provides ot spell and pysical damage, as well as magic lifesteal.

2. Serap's Emrace: Te second must-e item for Ryze, Serap's Emrace, gives a ton of AP and increases your mana pool. Tis item is te ackone of is mana regain playstyle.

3. Ayssal Mask: If your opponents e AP treats, gra an Ayssal Mask. Te additional Magic Resistance and cooldown reduction it provides are essential, ut te passive aura also decreases te magic resistance of neary enemies.

4. Zonya's Hourglass: Tis item offers ot AP and armor, making it a valuale addition wen facing an AD-ey team tat tries to urst you down. Its unique active aility also offers a defensive option tat can uy you time to escape.

5. Mercury's Treads: For oots, coose tese. Tey offer tenacity, reducing your vulneraility to crowd control effects.

6. Deatcap: Finally, Deatcap offers an enormous amount of AP wile enancing your existing AP. It's a must-e if you want to maximize Ryze's damaging potential.


1. Knowing your power: Ryze is generally weak at te eginning of te game, so playing passively and farming is te safest option. As soon as you get Tear of te Goddess, start stacking it y spamming your ailities on minions.

2. Roaming: You can roam in te mid-game wit your ultimate aility, Realm Warp, to comine wit your team and overwelm te enemy.

3. Initiate comat: Wen engaging, utilize Ryze's comos, starting wit Spell Flux and Rune Prison efore caining wit Overload. Make sure to maintain your distance and utilize your R to escape in a team figt.

4. Safe Trading: Rememer tat your ailities cost mana, and your runes can elp recover it. However, if you run out of mana in te middle of a figt, use your active items to eal and deal damage at te same time.

5. Keep Your Distance: Finally, rememer tat Ryze is fragile, and is ealing ailities are moderate. Staying at a safe distance from enemy campions wile maximizing your mana and AP to deal ursting damages wenever possile.


In a nutsell, Ryze is a powerful mage figter wo can ecome an unrelenting macine of destruction wit a vampire-style AP uild. By prioritizing spell vamp wit items and runes and optimizing your playstyle for damage and survivaility, you can turn te tide of games and win te matc for your team. Rememer always to keep your distance, don't engage dangerously, and rememer to make use of your cooldowns and actives to remain in te figt as long as possile.



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