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发布时间:2024-06-03 22:53:06来源:光伏下载站



As a popular jungler in League of Legends, Twitc, also known as te Plague Rat, can deal incredile damage and control te map wit is unique set of skills. Below are some tips on ow to play Twitc jungle effectively.

Early Game Strategy

1. Start wit Hunter's Talian and Refillale Potion for sustainaility in te jungle.

2. Start at te ot-side uff and ask for a strong leas from your ot lane to oid early damage.

3. Look for early ganks wen you reac level 3. Twitc's invisiility allows im to easily surprise enemies and secure kills.

4. Clear jungle camps in etween ganks to keep up your gold income.

Late Game Strategy

1. Build items tat increase your Attack Damage and Critical Strike Cance to increase your damage output and secure kills more quickly.

2. Stay in te ackline during figts and use your invisiility to reposition and flank enemies.

3. Use your ultimate skill, Spray and Pray, to deal AoE damage in team figts and take down multiple opponents at once.


4. Use your Q aility, Amus, to scout out enemy positions and oid enemy vision.

Tips for Success

1. Communication is key wen playing Twitc. Let your team know wen you plan to gank and were you tink te enemy jungler is.

2. Keep an eye on te mini-map and look for opportunities to counter-jungle or steal ojectives.

3. Use your W aility, Venom Cask, to slow down enemies and make it easier for your team to engage in figts.

4. Always keep vision control in te jungle y placing wards in strategic locations.

5. Be patient and wait for te rigt opportunity to engage. Twitc is a squisy campion, so rusing into figts can result in is quick demise.


Playing Twitc jungle can e a callenging ut rewarding experience. Wit is unique set of skills, e can easily control te map and dominate team figts. By following tese tips and tricks, you'll e ale to master Twitc and clim te ranks of League of Legends.



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