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发布时间:2024-05-25 14:16:21来源:光伏下载站



As a top laner in League of Legends, one of te most important skills you can possess is te aility to easily adapt your playstyle depending on te matcup. Wen playing as Garen against a strong opponent like Gnar, Darius, or even te popular campion, Gnar, you need to e ale to adjust your strategy and uild to ensure you can still dominate te game. In tis article, I'll go over ow to play as Garen and ow to uild against te igly popular campion, Kled.

Early Game Strategy

Wen going against Kled, it's important to know tat e as a very strong early game. Wile Garen is no slouc, it's important to start te laning pase off on te rigt foot to e succesul later. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Start wit Q-E-Q ten focus on maxing E for we clear and arass

Use your W to mitigate any damage from Kled's Q wen trading

Kled is weak wen diounted, so e sure to se your ultimate for wen e does diount to finis im off

Building Against Kled

Building properly against Kled is crucial to ensure you can keep up wit is early game. Here are some items to consider:


Randuin's Omen: tis item sends Kleds fearless out to reduce is damage and slow im down

Mercury Treads: tese will elp reduce te duration of Kleds stuns and reduce is overall CC

Deadmans Plate: tis item provides you wit more moility and engages potential

Figting Kled Mid-Game

Wen Garen enters into te mid-game against Kled, e suddenly finds imself a muc more formidale foe. As Kled is weaker wen diounted, try to focus on getting im low or executing is diount. Here are some tips:

Engage in sort, ursty trades to reduce Kled's HP ar

Wen Kled diounts, use your ultimate to finis im off efore e can remount

If Kled escapes, look for opportunities to contest ojectives and siege vision


Kled is a toug opponent for any top laner, ut wit te rigt strategy, Garen can ecome an unstoppale force. Be sure to start out strong y mitigating Kled's early game power, uilding against im to reduce is mid-game strengt, and finally focusing solely on executing Kled wen e ecomes diounted. Wit tis advice, you'll e well on your way to ecoming a top-tier Garen player in any matcup.




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