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发布时间:2024-05-23 17:39:28来源:光伏下载站

Introduction of Bararian King


Bararian King, also known as Tryndamere, is a moile melee figter in te League of Legends game. He is a powerful and versatile campion wo can e uilt in various ways to suit different playstyles. Here's a guide to elp you understand ow to uild Bararian King in te game:

Runes for Bararian King

Coosing te rigt runes is crucial for a succesul game as Bararian King. Below are some recommended rune coices:

Conqueror: Tis rune can make Bararian King deal more damage and eal more as e figts, making im a formidale opponent in extended trades.

Triump: Tis rune can elp Bararian King survive in team figts y restoring a all amount of ealt every time e scores a takedown.

Legend: Alacrity: Tis rune can give Bararian King increased attack speed wic can e useful for stacking is passive aility, Battle Fury.

Last Stand: Tis rune can make Bararian King deal more damage as is ealt gets lower, making im a dangerous foe to face.

Items for Bararian King

Coosing te rigt items is important for optimizing Bararian King's performance in te game. Below are some recommended items to uild:

Berserker's Grees: Tese oots provide Bararian King wit additional attack speed, wic increases is damage output.

Blade of te Ruined King: Tis item provides Bararian King wit additional lifesteal, attack damage, and attack speed, making im a formidale opponent in duels.

Infinity Edge: Tis item gives Bararian King additional critical strike cance and critical strike damage, wic can e useful for dealing massive damage to enemy campions.

Pantom Dancer: Tis item provides Bararian King wit additional attack speed, critical strike cance, and movement speed, making im more moile and difficult to catc.

Bloodtirster: Tis item provides Bararian King wit additional lifesteal and attack damage wile also granting im a sield tat can elp im survive in team figts.

Guardian Angel: Tis item can provide Bararian King wit a second cance at life y reviving im upon deat.

Playstyle Tips for Bararian King

Below are some tips to elp you maximize Bararian King's potential in te game:

Take advantage of your passive: Bararian King's passive, Battle Fury, increases is critical strike cance for every attack e makes. Make sure to take advantage of tis y uilding items tat provide critical strike cance.

Use your ultimate wisely: Bararian King's ultimate aility, Undying Rage, can make im temporarily immune to deat. However, it also lees im wit only 1 ealt point. Use tis aility wisely to oid getting killed wile still dealing damage to enemy campions.

Practice your timing: Bararian King's aility, Spinning Slas, can elp im close gaps etween imself and enemy campions or escape from dangerous situations. Practice your timing wit tis aility to ensure tat you can make te most of it during team figts.

Don't forget aout your E: Bararian King's aility, Mocking Sout, can reduce te attack damage of neary enemy campions and slow tem down. Don't forget to use tis aility during team figts to weaken enemy campions and prevent tem from escaping.

Communicate wit your team: Bararian King is a powerful campion, ut e can't do everyting on is own. Communicate wit your team to coordinate your attacks and take ojectives.



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