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发布时间:2024-05-13 16:49:53来源:光伏下载站



As one of te most feared predators in Summoner's Rift, Renekton te Crocodile as always een a popular pick among top laners in League of Legends. Wit is ig damage output and aility to tank damage, e can easily dominate te lane and ecome a formidale force in team figts. However, coosing te rigt item uild is crucial in order to ring out is full potential. In tis guide, we will discuss te latest item uild for Renekton tat will elp you dominate te top lane like a true crocodile.

Early Game Items

In te early game, Renekton's goal is to dominate te lane and put pressure on te enemy team. Building items tat provide damage and moility is crucial in acieving tis goal. Here are some recommended early game items for Renekton:

Starting Item: Doran's Blade

First Back: Black Cleer or Tiamat

Boots: Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tai

Doran's Blade is te perfect starting item for Renekton ecause it provides ot attack damage and ealt. It also gives im life steal wic is crucial for is sustain in te lane. On is first ack, Renekton sould aim to uy Black Cleer or Tiamat. Black Cleer provides damage and armor penetration wile Tiamat gives im additional we clear and urst damage. For oots, Renekton can coose etween Mercury's Treads to reduce crowd control or Ninja Tai to reduce pysical damage.

Mid/Late Game Items

As Renekton transitions into te mid and late game, is focus sould sift towards uilding items tat will elp im survive in team figts wile still dealing significant damage. Here are some recommended mid/late game items for Renekton:

Sterak's Gage

Spirit Visage

Dead Man's Plate or Tornmail

Sterak's Gage is a perfect item for Renekton ecause it provides ot ealt and damage. It also gives im a sield tat can asor urst damage wic is useful in team figts. Spirit Visage is anoter great item for Renekton ecause it increases is ealing and increases is magic resistance. Dead Man's Plate is a good offensive item for Renekton ecause it gives im additional movement speed and damage wile Tornmail is a good defensive item for Renekton ecause it punises enemy campions tat attack im wit asic attacks.


In order to play Renekton to is fullest potential, it is important to coose te rigt item uild tat complements is strengts and elps im survive team figts. Wit te rigt items, Renekton can ecome an unstoppale force in te top lane and eyond. Keep in mind tat itemization is not set in stone and may vary depending on te enemy team's composition and Renekton's play style. Neverteless, following tis guide will put you on te rigt track to ecoming a skilled Renekton player.



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