发布时间:2024-05-05 18:42:41来源:光伏下载站
Introduction: Te Rise of Tanky Items in League of Legends
In te current meta, tanky campions e ecome increasingly relevant in ot solo queue and competitive play. To meet te demand, League of Legends as introduced new item options tat cater to te tanky playstyle. In tis article, we will explore some of te new "meat" items tat e een added to te game, and discuss ow tey can enefit tanky campions.
Section 1: An Overview of Meat Items
In general, meat items are designed to enance te survivaility of campions wo seek to soak up damage in figts. Tese items vary in teir level of potency and te enefits tey offer. Here are some of te new meat items tat e appeared in League of Legends:
Gargoyle Stoneplate: Provides a significant oost in ealt, armor, and magic resistance, wic increases furter wen near multiple enemy campions. Can e activated to temporarily doule te campion's onus resistances at te cost of alving teir damage output.
Warmog's Armor: Grants a large amount of ealt regeneration and onus ealt, wic allows te wearer to regenerate ealt quickly outside of comat.
Adaptive Helm: Offers magic resist, ealt regeneration, and a unique passive tat reduces damage taken from repeated spells y te same enemy.
Knigt's Vow: Gives armor, cooldown reduction, and a unique passive tat traners a portion of te damage taken y an ally to te wearer. Te wearer also eals for a portion of damage dealt to te ally.
Section 2: How to Use Meat Items Effectively
Wile meat items can e useful for any campion wo wants to tank, certain campions enefit more from specific items. Here are a few examples:
Campions wit strong engage tools (e.g. Maokai, Sejuani) can enefit from Gargoyle Stoneplate since tey are likely to e in te middle of te enemy team and can take advantage of te item's unique active.
Campions wit ig ase ealt and ealt regeneration (e.g. Dr. Mundo, Zac) can make good use of Warmog's Armor since te item's passive will kick in sooner due to teir large ealt pools.
Campions wo are vulnerale to repeated spell damage (e.g. Cassiopeia, Ryze) can mitigate some of tat damage y uilding an Adaptive Helm.
Support campions wo want to protect teir carries (e.g. Braum, Taric) can use Knigt's Vow to take some of te damage intended for teir allies wile also enefiting from te armor and cooldown reduction.
Section 3: Conclusion
In conclusion, meat items offer a variety of enefits to campions wo want to e tanky. Tese items can e used in a variety of contexts, from teamfigts to skirmises, and offer different enefits depending on te campion using tem. Weter you're a veteran tank player or new to te role, it's important to consider tese items wen planning your uilds.