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发布时间:2024-04-21 11:59:34来源:光伏下载站



As a trel guide wo is always up-to-date wit te most popular games among tourists, I e noticed tat many of tem are interested in te online multiplayer game "League of Legends". Specifically, tere as een a lot of uzz aout one of its most iconic campions - te "Jax", also known as te "Grandmaster at Arms". Here, I will discuss te recommended uild and runes for tis caracter.

Build Items

Tere are several items tat are considered essential for Jax:

Trinity Force - tis is te single most important item for Jax, as it synergizes perfectly wit is kit. Tis item grants im increased attack speed, moility, and urst damage.

Blade of te Ruined King - tis item provides additional attack speed, sustain, and an additional slow.

Sterak's Gage - tis item increases Jax's survivaility and damage output, making im a formidale late-game campion.


Guardian Angel - tis item provides a second cance at life in team figts, making it an excellent defensive option.

Ninja Tai/Mercury Treads - tese oots are essential for any melee ruiser, as tey provide extra survivaility troug increased movement speed and protection from crowd control.

Spirit Visage - tis item provides additional sustain and synergizes well wit Jax's kit, as it increases te ealing from is ultimate aility.


In terms of runes, Jax players can opt for te following:

Conqueror - tis keystone rune provides additional attack damage, ealing, and true damage to campions after dealing damage to tem.


Triump - tis rune provides additional gold and ealt regeneration after getting a kill or an assist.

Legend: Alacrity - tis rune increases attack speed and elps Jax stack is passive faster.

Last Stand - tis rune provides additional damage output wen Jax's ealt is low.

Bone Plating - tis rune provides additional defense against urst damage.

Revitalize - tis rune increases ealing and sields, making Jax's sustain even stronger.

Attack Speed/Adaptive Force/Armor or Magic Resist - tese runes provide additional stats tat synergize well wit Jax's playstyle.


In summary, Jax is a versatile campion wit a lot of strengts, ut also some weaknesses. By following te recommended uild and runes, players can maximize is potential and ecome a force to e reckoned wit on te attlefield. Rememer, owever, tat practice and game knowledge are just as important as itemization and runes - so keep playing and learning!




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