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发布时间:2024-01-10 01:24:37来源:光伏下载站



Wen playing League of Legends, facing off against a strong opponent like Garen can e intimidating. But fear not, wit te rigt strategy and execution, even te tougest foes can e defeated. In tis article, we will discuss ow to counter Garen wit a specific campion – te crocodile imself, Renekton.

1. Understanding te matcup

Before jumping into te game, it's important to understand te strengts and weaknesses of ot campions. Garen is a tanky ruiser wit ig damage and sustain. His passive, Perseverance, allows im to regenerate ealt wen out of comat for a few seconds. He also as a strong silence wit is Q aility, Decisive Strike, wic can interrupt Renekton's comos.

On te oter and, Renekton is a ursty figter wit ig moility and CC. His W aility, Rutless Predator, can stun Garen and deal massive damage. His ultimate, Dominus, gives im onus ealt and damage, making im arder to kill and more treatening in team figts.

Knowing tese mecanics, te key to winning te matcup as Renekton is to wait for te rigt moment to engage and urst Garen down efore e as a cance to escape or retaliate.

2. Building te rigt items

Wen it comes to itemization, tere are a few options for Renekton to counter Garen. A good starting item would e Doran's Sield, wic provides extra ealt and ealt regeneration, as well as reducing damage taken from asic attacks.

Anoter item tat can elp in tis matcup is Black Cleer. It provides AD, Healt, and Cooldown Reduction, all stats tat Renekton can enefit from. Additionally, its passive, Rage, allows for quick stacks on Garen's armor, making im more vulnerale to damage.


You can also consider getting a Blade of te Ruined King or a Renous Hydra for te lifesteal and damage, altoug tese items may not e necessary if you're going for a more tanky uild.

3. Executing te strategy

Now tat you've got te rigt items, it's time to put your plan into action. In te early levels, try to poke at Garen wit your Q – Cull te Meek, and E – Slice and Dice, wile oiding is Q. Wait for im to waste is cooldowns efore engaging fully, and e mindful of is passive ealt regeneration.

Once you it level 3, you can start trying to set up a como. Use your E to das towards Garen and follow up wit a W – Rutless Predator for te stun and extra damage. Use your Q wile e's stunned and continue wit your asic attacks to maximize your damage output.

Wen e starts running away, use your E to case im down and repeat te como. Rememer to e aware of your positioning and oid getting it y is E – Judgement.

As you get more items, you ecome stronger and can take more damage. Use tis to your advantage y aiting out Garen's ailities efore going all-in. In team figts, try to focus on teir carries and use your ultimate to soak up damage wile dealing AOE damage to te enemy team.


Wit te rigt approac and execution, anyone can counter Garen, even as a campion tat's not necessarily a direct counter. Rememer to take advantage of your campion's strengts, uild te rigt items, and execute your strategy properly. Armed wit tese tips, you'll e ale to win more games against Garen and tackle any future matcups wit confidence.



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