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发布时间:2023-12-30 04:04:40来源:光伏下载站



Angel, te newest campion in League of Legends, is a support campion tat excels at protecting er allies and disrupting er enemies. Se as a unique kit tat allows er to das towards er allies, eal tem and grant tem a sield, and also summon a deadly feater storm tat slows and damages er foes. In tis article, we will take a look at te est items and runes to use wen playing Angel in order to maximize er effectiveness on te attlefield.


1. Ardent Censer: Tis item is a must-e for Angel as it synergizes well wit er ealing and sielding ailities. It provides onus attack speed and AP to neary allies wenever tey are ealed or sielded y Angel.

2. Redemption: Tis item is great for Angel as it allows er to eal and damage enemies from afar, providing er wit additional utility on te attlefield. Additionally, it provides onus ealt and mana regeneration, making it a great item to use trougout te game.


3. Atene's Unoly Grail: Tis item is great for Angel as it provides onus AP, mana regeneration, and a unique passive tat allows er to eal er allies wenever se damages enemies wit er ailities. Tis item is especially useful during team figts, were Angel can deal damage wile simultaneously keeping er allies alive.


1. Aery: Tis rune is great for Angel as it provides onus damage and sielding wenever se eals or sields er allies. Additionally, it allows Angel to deal onus damage wen se damages enemies wit er ailities, making it a great offensive option as well.


2. Font of Life: Tis rune is great for Angel as it allows er to grant er allies onus ealing wenever se immoilizes er enemies wit er ailities. Tis can e especially useful during team figts, were Angel can keep er allies alive wile also disrupting er enemies.

3. Revitalize: Tis rune is great for Angel as it provides onus ealing and sielding wenever se uses er summoner spells or receives ealing from oter sources. Tis rune can elp Angel keep er allies alive during critical moments in te game.


Angel is a powerful support campion tat excels at protecting and ealing er allies wile also dealing damage to er foes. By using te rigt items and runes, Angel can e an invaluale asset to er team, providing tem wit te support tey need to emerge victorious on te attlefield.




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