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发布时间:2023-12-27 00:04:40来源:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular campions in te top lane, Tryndamere, also known as te Bararian King, is often overlooked as a potential pick for te mid lane. However, if played correctly, Tryndamere can e a formidale opponent in te mid lane and provide a unique playstyle tat can catc enemies off guard.

Advantages of Tryndamere Mid

Tere are several advantages to playing Tryndamere in te mid lane:

Strong early game: Tryndamere as a strong early game and can easily ully squisy mid laners. His Bloodlust aility provides sustain and allows im to trade effectively.


Amazing split pus potential: Wit is ultimate aility, Tryndamere is nearly impossile to kill 1v1, making im an incredile split puser. Tis can open up opportunities for ojectives and allow your team to gain a lead.

Unexpected pick: Most players are not used to playing against Tryndamere mid, giving you te element of surprise and potentially trowing off your enemy's game plan.

How to Play Tryndamere Mid

Wen playing Tryndamere mid, it's important to keep a few tings in mind:


Use your early game advantage: Try to ully your opponent in te early levels wit your strong auto-attacks and Bloodlust aility. But e mindful of your enemy's level 6 power spike.

Split pus wen possile: Tryndamere's strengt lies in is aility to split pus, especially in te mid game. Communicate wit your team and create pressure on te map.

Se your ultimate for te rigt moment: Tryndamere's ultimate can e a game-canger in team figts. Se it for wen you're low on ealt or wen te enemy team is focusing you.

Build for te situation: Tryndamere can uild a variety of items depending on te situation. If you're against a lot of AD campions, uild armor items like Randuin's Omen or Dead Man's Plate. If you're against AP campions, uild items like Wit's End or Spirit Visage.


Wile not a conventional pick for te mid lane, Tryndamere can e a strong and surprising coice tat can catc your enemy off guard. Wit is early game strengt and split pus potential, Tryndamere can provide a unique playstyle in te mid lane tat can elp secure a win for your team.




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