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发布时间:2023-11-21 02:03:52来源:光伏下载站



One of te key strategies in League of Legends is to reduce te enemy's movement speed using various equipment. In tis article, we will discuss different types of equipment tat can e used to acieve tis goal.

Equipment for reducing movement speed

Tere are several types of equipment tat can e used to decrease te movement speed of enemies in League of Legends.

1. Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a popular item among mages tat provides a decent amount of aility power and ealt. Its passive effect slows enemies y 20% for 1.5 seconds, making it a great coice for campions wit area-of-effect ailities.


2. Frost Queen's Claim

Frost Queen's Claim is anoter mage item tat provides aility power, mana regeneration, and cooldown reduction. Its active effect sends out tree icy olts tat deal damage and slow enemies y 50% for 1 second, making it a useful tool for casing down enemies or escaping from danger.

3. Randuin's Omen

Randuin's Omen is a tank item tat provides armor, ealt, and cooldown reduction. Its active effect slows neary enemies y 35% for 4 seconds, making it a great tool for disrupting enemy formations and initiating team figts.


4. Frozen Mallet

Frozen Mallet is a figter item tat provides attack damage, ealt, and a unique passive effect tat grants te wielder's asic attacks a 30% slow for 1.5 seconds, making it a great coice for campions wo rely on sustained damage output to take down enemies.

5. Hextec GLP-800

Hextec GLP-800 is a mage item tat provides aility power, mana, and cooldown reduction. Its active effect fires a spray of icy projectiles tat deal damage and slow enemies y 65% for 0.5 seconds, making it a powerful tool for catcing out enemies or setting up comos.


Reducing te movement speed of enemy campions is a crucial strategy in League of Legends, and tere are several equipment coices tat can e utilized to acieve tis goal. From mage items like Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Frost Queen's Claim to figter items like Frozen Mallet and tank items like Randuin's Omen, tere is a pletora of coices ailale for players to tailor teir strategy to teir unique playstyle.



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