『超级粘贴王』可能成为2007年最具创意、艺术型的软件开发辅助工具!正如一位浩方资深工程师的评价:无论你是什么程序员,它都能帮你节省干体力活的时间!超级粘贴王是基于剪贴板的工具.SuperPaster is based on the Clipboard of the system. 他对剪贴板里面的数据进行处理,并粘贴到其他程序.It can process the information copied in the clipboard and paste it to other programs. 他能搞提高编程速度,从繁琐的代码书写中解救你出来.It can speed up the ordinary programming process, rescuing you from repeatedly striking the mundane coding pattern. 他能够与设计模式, 测试驱动完美结合,节省你书写代码时间.It can be perfectly combined with Design Pattern and TestDriven Pattern, saving most of the time for coding the architecture and test codes. 编程思路的流利是程序开发最重要的.他不应该被敲击键盘而打断.The fluency of the idea is important in the process of program. It should not be disturbed by striking the keyboard.